Dulce, New Mexico family victimized by “domestic terrorism” – – it wasn’t UFOs, it wasn’t Aliens, it was the ‘Government’ that did it

by R. Edmund Gomez – – Dulce, New Mexico:

“Today, June 13, 2017 marks the 41st anniversary of the first livestock mutilation we experienced on our ranch in and around Dulce, New Mexico.

This is the day that changed not only my life, but that of my family as well.

We did not choose to enter into this evil phenomena as those who have chosen to do so, in most cases profiting, without assuming risk of any kind.

We were brought into this dilemma by direct criminal loss of our livestock.

In the subsequent years from 1976 to 1985, dad and I lost 20 lactating beef cows, their calves, two yearling bulls and a yearling filly to these mutilators.

Since we were doing business with my grandfather, replacement of the cattle was imminent.

In addition, we lost 19 two-year old pregnant heifers that suddenly just died over a two week period after the Jicarilla Tribal Police spotted an unidentified (military?) aircraft hovering over our herd on April 8, 1982.

Lab reports were inconclusive and only indicated the presence of an unknown strain of Bacillus sp. (a possible cousin to anthrax?).

Total losses at that time mounted to over $100,000; over $225,000 in today’s market.

Over the years, many law enforcement personnel as well as self-proclaimed animal mutilation experts have claimed to have solved the case.

To date, not one has moved forward with a criminal investigation case to prosecute the domestic terrorists that have plagued our family and the many other ranchers and farmers in the US who have fallen victim to these cowards.

Many of these individuals, who have taken the oath “to protect and serve”, have only profited from our misfortune and have downplayed the severe financial losses and emotional strain we have endured over these past 41 years, as well as our civil rights being violated in unspeakable ways.

We have become “the victims” of domestic terrorism and continue to do so!

Throughout these years, we have also been infiltrated by “investigators” who we thought were honest and sincere, but later turned out to be again, self-interested, for one reason or another, and in my opinion, several were and have been placed by “unknown” entities to gather information or provide disinformation.

Based on our trust in humanity and our humble upbringing, we invited many of these individuals into our homes and shared our thoughts to later find that we had been used and abused and continue to be abused.

I have found it amazing how these individuals who arrived within the past few years question the authenticity of the Gomez family experience and have replaced truth with fantasy in an effort to move their agenda and profits forward.

Several of these individuals have had the audacity to overlook the true victims of the livestock mutilations in Dulce and replaced them with unsubstantiated accusations and fictitious victims.

What I have learned over the years is to trust no one and be extremely cautious of those that show an uncanny personal interest in you and the Dulce phenomena.”


It seems very likely to me that the government desperately tried to turn this whole matter  into an “alien conspiracy” scenario.

But realists such as the Gomez family, kept their belief that it was the government, and not the aliens who were the perpetrators of these criminal activities.

Was the government during those years conducting some type of biowarfare experiments?

Or, was the government monitoring the radiation levels and effects on certain, pre-selected cattle in the that area?

We do not know the answer.

By the way, here are some very important points noted by Greg Valdez, author of  ‘DULCE BASE‘  in regards to the cattle mutilations in Dulce, New Mexico, from the mid 1970s to the early 1990s:

“If the government went to local ranchers and purchased cattle to use for testing purposes, the first question any rancher would ask is, “Why are you testing my cattle?”.

And more importantly, “Who contaminated them?

It would have caused a tremendous uproar in the surrounding communities.

The government has a long history of incompetent decision making, but they are smart enough to avoid a lawsuit, especially when the evidence shows that they created the contamination in the first place (in this case in Dulce, New Mexico), i.e. Project Gasbuggy  (the Atomic Energy Commission’s experiment involving underground detonation of nuclear device 22 miles southwest of Dulce on December 10, 1967, ostensibly to ease the flow of natural gas in the region but which later apparently caused radiation leaks in the surrounding environment, affecting animals and even some residents, including the Dulce area).

Please read these quotes from an excellent book entitled MIRAGE MEN, written by Mark Pilkington:


Back in the 1970s, Valdez’s investigation had focused on the ranch of Manuel Gomez, whose cattle had suffered particularly badly; alongside dead and mutilated animals he’d found caterpillar tracks, bits of paper, measuring tools, syringes, needles and a gas mask.  One site was covered with radar-reflecting chaff, some of it stuffed into the dead cow’s mouth.  Some of the animals had broken bones and what appeared to be rope marks on their limbs, suggesting that they had been hoisted up then dropped back on to the ground.  Whoever was doing this to the cattle, they were organized, and human.

As in Montana, the mutilations coincided with a rash of UFO sightings, and Valdez   [i.e.,Gabe Valdez, State Patrol officer in charge of Dulce for many years, being appointed by the State in 1979 to investigate criminal activities in the Dulce area, including “cattle mutilations”]   and his fellow officers had several close shaves with strange flying machines.  On one occasion Valdez’s team cornered an orange light in a field; as they approached, the light went out.  Then, although they could see nothing, they heard a muffled sound like a lawnmower engine pass over their heads.  Another time Valdez and two colleagues ducked beneath an object that he described as disc-shaped, rotor-less, and dazzlingly bright.  Valdez described the noise it made as it flew over them as ‘put-put- putting’ or ‘ticking’ – hardly the sound of advanced alien technology.

The intensity of the mutilations around Dulce had also drawn the interest of Howard Burgess, a retired Sandia Labs scientist, and one night in July 1975 he, Valdez and Gomez, the ranch-owner, followed a hunch to see whether or not humans really were behind the attacks.  By shining an ultraviolet lamp on to the backs of a sample of a hundred cattle, the trio found that some of them had been marked with a substance that showed up only under ultraviolet light.  The marked cattle were all between one and three years old and came from a particular breed: the same one as the dead animals found on Gomez’s land.  Gomez quickly sold off all the animals that fitted the mutilation profile.

Based on their discovery, the three men pieced together a modus operandi.  The selected cattle were being marked with water-soluble UV paint containing potassium and magnesium; this suggested that the marking was done quite soon before the operation was to take place.  Under cover of darkness, whatever aircraft that the team employed would fly over the region and identify the marked animals using a blacklight beam that was invisible to any observers.  The selected animal was tranquillized, probably from the air with a rifle, and then the mutilation operation was performed, either on the ground or, as Valdez believed, after the victim had been hauled to another location – hence the rope marks on some of them.  Valdez told us that the mutilators had their surgery-cum-laboratory in one of many disused mine shafts on top of the Archuleta Mesa.  Their grisly work over, they then returned the animal to the pastures, mutilated and drained of blood, to be found by an unlucky rancher.

Although Valdez’s enthusiasm for the subject was clear, so was his anxiety; at one point he hinted to us that he had found the entrance to a military facility on top of the Mesa, but he quickly backed away from the subject when asked for more information.  Valdez clammed up like this a few times, as if he felt he’d said something he shouldn’t.  We later learned that there was good reason for his hesitance: while conducting his investigations back in the 1970s he’d become convinced that he was under surveillance, a suspicion borne out by the discovery of a microphone ‘bug’ in his telephone handset.


By the way, it was found later on that the entire Gomez’s home had been bugged likewise by all types of listening devices.



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2 thoughts on “Dulce, New Mexico family victimized by “domestic terrorism” – – it wasn’t UFOs, it wasn’t Aliens, it was the ‘Government’ that did it

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