Roswell, 1947 – – a comedy of errors that promoted a myth !!


by Norio Hayakawa in Albuquerque, New Mexico, June 26, 2024:

Roswell, 1947 – – a comedy of errors that promoted a myth !!

This misinformative news article was published on July 8, 1947 by Roswell Daily Record after Mac Brazel, a rancher who was working at a ranch near Corona reported to Roswell Daily Record on July 7, 1947 that what he had seen near his ranch on June 14, 1947 might have been a “debris/wreckage” of a “flying saucer” that he had first heard about in the news on July 5, 1947  (i.e., Kenneth Arnold’s sighting of 9 “flying saucers” near Mt. Rainier, Washington on June 24, 1947).

Mac Brazel had basically stated that on June 14, 1947 he had seen some debris near the ranch that included some paper, tin-foil, rubber and some balsa wood.   

Nevertheless, thinking that that this was an earth-shaking news, the newspaper reported it to Col. William Blanchard in Roswell.   Col. Blanchard immediately ordered his subordinate Maj. Jesse Marcel and a counter-intelligence officer to go to the “debris/wreckage” on July 7, 1947 under the guidance of Mac Brazel.   By that time Jesse Marcel already had made up his mind that this must have been the “debris/wreckage” of a “flying saucer.” 

The rest of this comedy of errors is history. 

(CLICK ABOVE FOR ENLARGEMENT – – Roswell Daily Record’s article published on July 9, 1947)

The reason why Roswell Daily Record’s July 9, 1947’s above article  (“Gen. Ramey Empties Roswell Saucer“, saying that it was just a weather balloon)  was also misinformative was because Gen. Ramey did not know how to explain to the public that the crash was not weather-balloon related.  His explanation was haphazardly constructed to avoid telling people that it was not a weather balloon but a new type of high-altitude reconnaissance item attached to a large balloon for the the purpose of monitoring Soviet Union’s atomic blasts that were going on at that time.  But he did end up saying that it was a weather balloon, which was not totally true.  And he knew it !!   Another comedy of errors !!

I repeat, there is no documentation  (newspaper articles, etc.)  anywhere that something extraterrestrial crashed near Roswell in July of 1947!!   Nothing !!  

In fact, nothing of any significance ever crashed near Roswell in July of 1947 !! 

Yet the City of Roswell continues to benefit by hosting the annual Roswell Alien Festivals that usually take place around the first weekend of July, celebrating the “Roswell crash of July, 1947” !!  

Tourist dollars continue to be the only purpose behind the UFO Museum and the City of Roswell.   Which is OK with me, as long as everyone knows that they are celebrating the world’s most well-known myth year after year !!

For more complete history of  the myth, please read my following article:




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3 thoughts on “Roswell, 1947 – – a comedy of errors that promoted a myth !!

  1. Something did crash that night, although it’s origins may not have been from another world, it still actually may have been a fascinating craft that did crash from a very top secret program.

    There were no reports of bodies being found at the Mac Brazel site, however there were reports of a secondary site with “alien bodies”, and funeral worker Glenn Dennis also claims to have seen something at the base the following day I believe, or sometime soon after. This second crash site with alien bodies in my opinion was the psyop/coverup.

    So what was at the Mac Brazel site? Could it have been one of these craft imported from Germany following WW2? Possibly. As far as I’m aware there were no reports of bodies being recovered from this site, alien or human, so, was this possibly a pre-cursor to unmanned/remote craft?


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