Why haven’t we been visited by aliens? – – thoughts by Stephen Hawking

(CLICK AND ENLARGE ABOVE:  a great quote by Arthur C. Clarke – – “Two possibilities exist; either we are alone in the universe or we are not – – both are equally terrifying”)

by Stephen Hawking, LIFE IN THE UNIVERSE Lecture:


What is the explanation of why we have not been visited?

One possibility is that the argument, about the appearance of life on Earth, is wrong.

Maybe the probability of life spontaneously appearing is so low, that Earth is the only planet in the galaxy, or in the observable universe, in which it happened.

Another possibility is that there was a reasonable probability of forming self-reproducing systems, like cells, but that most of these forms of life did not evolve intelligence.

We are used to thinking of intelligent life, as an inevitable consequence of evolution.

But the Anthropic Principle should warn us to be wary of such arguments.

It is more likely that evolution is a random process, with intelligence as only one of a large number of possible outcomes.

It is not clear that intelligence has any long-term survival value.

Bacteria, and other single cell organisms, will live on, if all other life on Earth is wiped out by our actions.

There is support for the view that intelligence, was an unlikely development for life on Earth, from the chronology of evolution.

It took a very long time, two and a half billion years, to go from single cells to multi-cell beings, which are a necessary precursor to intelligence.

This is a good fraction of the total time available, before the Sun blows up.

So it would be consistent with the hypothesis, that the probability for life to develop intelligence, is low.

In this case, we might expect to find many other life forms in the galaxy, but we are unlikely to find intelligent life.

Another way, in which life could fail to develop to an intelligent stage, would be if an asteroid or comet were to collide with the planet.

We have just observed the collision of a comet, Schumacher-Levi, with Jupiter.

It produced a series of enormous fireballs.

It is thought the collision of a rather smaller body with the Earth, about 70 million years ago, was responsible for the extinction of the dinosaurs.

A few small early mammals survived, but anything as large as a human, would have almost certainly been wiped out.

It is difficult to say how often such collisions occur, but a reasonable guess might be every twenty million years, on average.

If this figure is correct, it would mean that intelligent life on Earth has developed only because of the lucky chance that there have been no major collisions in the last 70 million years.

Other planets in the galaxy, on which life has developed, may not have had a long enough collision free period to evolve intelligent beings.

A third possibility is that there is a reasonable probability for life to form, and to evolve to intelligent beings, in the external transmission phase.

But at that point, the system becomes unstable, and the intelligent life destroys itself.

This would be a very pessimistic conclusion.

I very much hope it isn’t true.

I prefer a fourth possibility:  there are other forms of intelligent life out there, but that we have been overlooked.

There used to be a project called SETI, the search for extra-terrestrial intelligence.

It involved scanning the radio frequencies, to see if we could pick up signals from alien civilizations.

I thought this project was worth supporting, though it was cancelled due to a lack of funds.

But we should have been wary of answering back, until we have developed a bit further.

Meeting a more advanced civilization, at our present stage, might be a bit like the original inhabitants of America meeting Columbus.

I don’t think they were better off for it.




E-mail = noriohayakawa@gmail.com

Facebook = http://www.facebook.com/fernandon.hayakawa

Are “aliens” physical visitors from physical outer space? – – or, are they extradimensional tricksters of old?


It is a well-known fact that John A. Keel and Jacques Vallee were two of the first big name researchers who had departed from the physical Extraterrestrial Hypothesis (ETH) of the origins of UFOs and the UFO phenomenon.

Although it is still considered to be a minority view in the field of Ufology, quite a number of researchers followed suit, including J. Allen Hynek, Arthur C. Clarke, Whitley Strieber, John Mack, Karla Turner, Guy Malone, Joseph G. Jordan, L.A. Marzulli and Nick Redfern, just to name a few.

Many of them seem to have gone from ETH to the “Fallen” and “Malevolent”.

They seem to have concluded that UFOs are extra-dimensional and not from outer space.

I totally agree with them.

Since the late 1970s, I, too, have maintained  (and will continue to maintain)  my opinion that we have never been visited by physical ETs in their physical spacecraft.

In fact, science has yet to prove that UFOs represent any conclusive evidence whatsoever of physical ET visitations.

The reality, in my opinion, is that “they” are deceptive, manipulative and malevolent entities from another dimension, deceiving us by paraphysically materializing and “posing” as “ETs” from highly advanced civilizations from outer space.

This does not mean that “benevolent” ones do not exist.

In fact, it is my belief that the “benevolent” ones not only exist but they are in the majority, i.e., with the ratio of 2 to 1 against the “malevolent” ones.   (i.e., for every “malevolent” one, there are two “benevolent” ones).

(Eons ago, one third of all cosmic, sentient, paraphysical angelic entities were thrown out of their special domain by the Creator for participating in a cosmic-shaking revolt led by Lucifer who became Satan, and his followers “fallen angels”  – – as suggested in Revelation 12:4 – – many biblical scholars seem to support this interpretation)

Perhaps the “benevolent” ones are doing good works without being seen by most of us.   But the ones that are “making noise”, deceiving people and causing “confusion” are certainly not the “benevolent” ones.

Tom Farmer, a researcher, stated:

“John A. Keel pointed out 50+ years ago that UFOs come in too many form factors, “crash” too often and spout too much nonsense to contactees to be nuts-and-bolts spacecraft crewed by explorers from afar.

They are a current-frame-of-reference manifestations of a trickster intelligence that has always been with us.”


The UFO phenomenon appears to be able to paraphysically materialize and de-materialize at will, at least to the perception of the observer.

But more significant is its apparent inability to stay in our dimensional realm except for a few moments at a time, or only for a short period of time.

As Dr. Jacques Vallee suggested quite often, “UFOs” may not necessarily be objects nor are they “flying” as we understand “flying” by the use of any propulsion system.

Yet they are even said to be able to affect our physical parameters (such as radar, etc.)

It seems to me that in many cases a “UFO”, after making an initial appearance to what I call a “pre-selected” observer (or observers), simply appears to take off at a tremendous speed and disappear into the distance as if utilizing some form of advanced propulsion system.

But could this be a deception?

In other cases, “UFOs” seem to simply hover or “float” (again, as if they’re utilizing some form of a propulsion system capable of “floating”) before taking off or even de-materializing.

But again, could this be a deception?

I believe it is.

Please click and read my following short article:


Here is an interview I had a few years ago.   Click the following to see the interview:

The strange reality of the UFO phenomenon – – and what may be lurking behind its high strangeness



E-mail = noriohayakawa@gmail.com

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Ray Palmer, the man who invented flying saucers – – by John A. Keel

(CLICK AND ENLARGE ABOVE – – June, 1947 issue of AMAZING STORIES, featuring underground alien civilizations and alien abductions – – this issue was published a month before the Kenneth Arnold sighting and the Roswell incident)

by John A. Keel, from The JINN – – UFOs aren’t extraterrestrial – they’re extradimensional:



In 1947, the editor of AMAZING STORIES watched in astonishment as the things he had been fabricating for years in his magazine suddenly came true!

North America’s “Bigfoot” was nothing more than an Indian legend until a zoologist named Ivan T. Sanderson began collecting contemporary sightings of the creature in the early 1950s, publishing the reports in a series of popular magazine articles. He turned the tall, hairy biped into a household word, just as British author Rupert T. Gould rediscovered sea serpents in the 1930s and, through his radio broadcasts, articles, and books, brought Loch Ness to the attention of the world.  Another writer named Vincent Gaddis originated the Bermuda Triangle in his 1965 book, Invisible Horizons: Strange Mysteries of the Sea. Sanderson and Charles Berlitz later added to the Triangle lore, and rewriting their books became a cottage industry among hack writers in the United States.

Charles Fort put bread on the table of generations of science fiction writers when, in his 1931 book “Lo!“, he assembled the many reports of objects and people strangely transposed in time and place, and coined the term “teleportation.” And it took a politician named Ignatius Donnelly to revive lost Atlantis and turn it into a popular subject (again and again and again). (1)

But the man responsible for the most well-known of all such modern mythsflying saucers – has somehow been forgotten. Before the first flying saucer was sighted in 1947, he suggested the idea to the American public. Then he converted UFO reports from what might have been a Silly Season phenomenon into a subject, and kept that subject alive during periods of total public disinterest. His name was Raymond A. Palmer:

Born in 1911, Ray Palmer suffered severe injuries that left him dwarfed in stature and partially crippled. He had a difficult childhood because of his infirmities and, like many isolated young men in those pre-television days, he sought escape in “dime novels,” cheap magazines printed on coarse paper and filled with lurid stories churned out by writers who were paid a penny a word. He became an avid science fiction fan, and during the Great Depression of the 1930s he was active in the world of fandom – a world of mimeographed fanzines and heavy correspondence. (Science fiction fandom still exists and is very well organized with well-attended annual conventions and lavishly printed fanzines, some of which are even issued weekly.)

In 1930, he sold his first science fiction story, and in 1933 he created the Jules Verne Prize Club which gave out annual awards for the best achievements in sci-fi. A facile writer with a robust imagination, Palmer was able to earn many pennies during the dark days of the Depression, undoubtedly buoyed by his mischievous sense of humor, a fortunate development motivated by his unfortunate physical problems. Pain was his constant companion.

In 1938, the Ziff-Davis Publishing Company in Chicago purchased a dying magazine titled AMAZING STORIES:

It had been created in 1929 by the inestimable Hugo Gernsback, who is generally acknowledged as the father of modern science fiction. Gernsback, an electrical engineer, ran a small publishing empire of magazines dealing with radio and technical subjects. (he also founded Sexology, a magazine of soft-core pornography disguised as science, which enjoyed great success in a somewhat conservative era.) It was his practice to sell – or even give away – a magazine when its circulation began to slip. Although AMAZING STORIES was one of the first of its kind, its readership was down to a mere 25,000 when Gernsback unloaded it on Ziff-Davis. William B. Ziff decided to hand the editorial reins to the young science fiction buff from Milwaukee, Wisconsin. At the age of 28, Palmer found his life’s work.

Expanding the pulp magazine to 200 pages (and as many as 250 pages in some issues), Palmer deliberately tailored it to the tastes of teenaged boys. He filled it with nonfiction features and filler items on science and pseudo-science in addition to the usual formula short stories of BEMs (Bug-Eyed Monsters) and beauteous maidens in distress. Many of the stories were written by Palmer himself under a variety of pseudonyms such as Festus Pragnell and Thorton Ayre, enabling him to supplement his meager salary by paying himself the usual penny-a-word. His old cronies from fandom also contributed stories to the magazine with a zeal that far surpassed their talents. In fact, of the dozen or so science magazines then being sold on the newsstands, AMAZING STORIES easily ranks as the very worst of the lot. Its competitors, such as Startling Stories, Thrilling Wonder Stories, Planet Stories and the venerable Astounding (now renamed Analog) employed skilled, experienced professional writers like Ray Bradbury, Isaac Asimov, and L. Ron Hubbard (who later created Dianetics and founded Scientology). AMAZING STORIES was garbage in comparison and hardcore sci-fi fans tended to sneer at it. (2)

The magazine might have limped through the 1940s, largely ignored by everyone, if not for a single incident. Howard Browne, a television writer who served as Palmer’s associate editor in those days, recalls: “early in the 1940s, a letter came to us from Dick Shaver purporting to reveal the “truth” about a race of freaks, called “Deros,” living under the surface of the earth. Ray Palmer read it, handed it to me for comment. I read a third of it, tossed it in the waste basket. Ray, who loved to show his editors a trick or two about the business, fished it out of the basket, ran it in AMAZING, and a flood of mail poured in from readers who insisted every word of it was true because they’d been plagued by Deros for years.” (3)

Actually, Palmer had accidentally tapped a huge, previously unrecognized audience. Nearly every community has at least one person who complains constantly to the local police that someone – usually a neighbor – is aiming a terrible ray gun at their house or apartment. This ray, they claim, is ruining their health, causing their plants to die, turning their bread moldy, making their hair and teeth fall out, and broadcasting voices into their heads. Psychiatrists are very familiar with these “ray” victims and relate the problem with paranoid-schizophrenia. For the most part, these paranoiacs are harmless and usually elderly. Occasionally, however, the voices they hear urge them to perform destructive acts, particularly arson. They are a distrustful lot, loners by nature, and very suspicious of everyone, including the government and all figures of authority. In earlier times, they thought they were hearing the voice of god and/or the Devil. Today they often blame the CIA or space beings for their woes. They naturally gravitate to eccentric causes and organizations which reflect their own fears and insecurities, advocating bizarre political philosophies and reinforcing their peculiar belief systems. Ray Palmer unintentionally gave thousands of these people focus to their lives.

Shaver’s long, rambling letter claimed that while he was welding (4) he heard voices which explained to him how the underground Deros were controlling life on the surface of the earth through the use of fiendish rays. Palmer rewrote the letter, making a novelette out of it, and it was published in the March 1945 issue under the title: “I Remember Lemuria” by Richard Shaver.

The Shaver Mystery was born:

Click and read about:


Somehow the news of Shaver’s discovery quickly spread beyond science fiction circles and people who had never before bought a pulp magazine were rushing to their local newsstands. The demand for AMAZING STORIES far exceeded the supply and Ziff-Davis had to divert paper supplies (remember there were still wartime shortages) from other magazines so they could increase the press run of AS.

“Palmer traveled to Pennsylvania to talk to Shaver,” Howard Brown later recalled, “found him sitting on reams of stuff he’d written about the Deros, bought every bit of it and contracted for more. I thought it was the sickest crap I’d run into. Palmer ran it and doubled the circulation of Amazing within four months.”

By the end of 1945, AMAZING STORIES was selling 250,000 copies per month, an amazing circulation for a science fiction pulp magazine. Palmer sat up late at night, rewriting Shaver’s material and writing other short stories about the Deros under pseudonyms. Thousands of letters poured into the office. Many of them offered supporting “evidence” for the Shaver stories, describing strange objects they had seen in the sky and strange encounters they had had with alien beings. It seemed that many thousands of people were aware of the existence of some distinctly nonterrestrial group in our midst. Paranoid fantasies were mixed with tales that had the uncomfortable ring of truth. The “Letters-to-the-Editor” section was the most interesting part of the publication. Here is a typical contribution from the issue for June 1946:


I flew my last combat mission on May 26 [1945] when I was shot up over Bassein and ditched my ship in Ramaree roads off Chedubs Island. I was missing five days. I requested leave at Kashmere (sic). I and Capt. (deleted by request) left Srinagar and went to Rudok then through the Khese pass to the northern foothills of the Karakoram. We found what we were looking for. We knew what we were searching for.

For heaven’s sake, drop the whole thing! You are playing with dynamite. My companion and I fought our way out of a cave with submachine guns. I have two 9″ scars on my left arm that came from wounds given me in the cave when I was 50 feet from a moving object of any kind and in perfect silence. The muscles were nearly ripped out. How? I don’t know. My friend has a hole the size of a dime in his right bicep. It was seared inside. How we don’t know. But we both believe we know more abou the Shaver Mystery than any other pair.

You can imagine my fright when I picked up my first copy of Amazing Stories and see you splashing words about the subject.

The identity of the author of this letter was withheld by request. Later Palmer revealed his name: Fred Lee Crisman. He had inadvertently described the effects of a laser beam – even though the laser wasn’t invented until years later. Apparently Crisman was obsessed with Deros and death rays long before Kenneth Arnold sighted the “first” UFO in June 1947.

In September 1946, AMAZING STORIES published a short article by W.C. Hefferlin, “Circular Winged Plane,” describing experiments with a circular craft in 1927 in San Francisco. Shaver’s (Palmer’s) contribution to that issue was a 30,000 word novelette, “Earth Slaves to Space,” dealing with spaceships that regularly visited the Earth to kidnap humans and haul them away to some other planet. Other stories described amnesia, an important element in the UFO reports that still lay far in the future, and mysterious men who supposedly served as agents for those unfriendly Deros.

And later:






E-mail = noriohayakawa@gmail.com

Facebook = http://www.facebook.com/fernandon.hayakawa

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Roswell, the beginnings of the UFO Craze and what it has to do with DC Comics and Ray Palmer

by Mark Seifert, BLEEDING COOL – – July 8, 2017:



July 8, 2017 was the 70th Anniversary of the infamous event that helped ignite the UFO craze – – a United States Air Force balloon crash near Roswell, New Mexico  (a top-secret high altitude reconnaissance balloon)  which became a center of “flying disc” reports, conspiracy theories, and even FBI Investigations.  The events surrounding Roswell itself are relatively well known, but what’s far less known is the key role played in these theories by a pulp and magazine editor who was close friends with two important DC Comics editors. So close, in fact, that a well-known DC Comics character is named after him.

Raymond Palmer, the man who helped start the UFO craze leading to Roswell, along with DC Comics editors Mort Weisinger and Julius Schwartz:


Raymond Palmer was the secret identity of the Silver Age version of diminutive DC Comics hero The Atom, created by Gardner Fox, Gil Kane, and Julius Schwartz.  The real-life Raymond Palmer was also a longtime friend of DC Comics editors and writers such as Schwartz, Mort Weisinger, and Otto Binder.  Palmer had been hit by a truck as a child, and suffered a spinal injury which inhibited his growth.  He became an avid science fiction reader, and he, Schwartz, and Weisinger were all part of the foundational science fiction fandom of the 1930s.  They worked on fanzines together in their younger days, and each of them became professionals in comic, pulp and science fiction endeavors.

Palmer eventually became the editor of staple science fiction pulp AMAZING STORIES, where he had a penchant for scientific hoaxes, blending fact and fiction, and promoting the notion that some stories he ran in the pulp might have a firm basis in reality.

(CLICK AND ENLARGE ABOVE – – June, 1947 issue of AMAZING STORIES, featuring underground alien civilizations and alien abductions – – this issue was published a month before the Kenneth Arnold sighting and the Roswell incident)

One well-known instance of this was his promotion of what is known as “The Shaver Mystery” series which dominated AMAZING STORIES in the late 1940s, and which built up a mythology around an ancient and advanced civilization which had developed deep below the surface of the Earth.

Click and read about:


This was not Raymond Palmer’s first exposure to the power of scientific hoaxes in the media. Palmer, Julius Schwartz, and Mort Weisinger all played key roles in the rise of science fiction fandom in the 1930s, and in one instance worked together on a fanzine title called Fantasy Magazine:


Julius Schwartz wrote a series of columns for the magazine covering various scientific hoaxes throughout history. In one nifty bit of foreshadowing, the January, 1934 entry covered the Great Moon Hoax of 1835, which was about a race of Batmen on the moon, reported as a factual scientific discovery in the New York newspaper The Sun in several issues that year.   In another nifty bit of foreshadowing, one of Raymond Palmer’s regular columns in Fantasy Magazine was titled Spilling the Atoms:

Palmer’s Roswell coverage may have been influenced by his exposure to Schwartz’s Scientific Hoaxes column

A few decades later, Schwartz would be the editor of Batman (among many other titles), and he would also name the Silver Age version of The Atom after his friend Ray Palmer.  Palmer himself would be promoting scientific hoaxes like UFO conspiracies and other topics which took the separate terms ‘science’ and ‘fiction’, and smashed them together with as much force as possible.

What we know of Palmer’s role in the development of UFO conspiracies comes largely from the files of the FBI.  Roswell was actually preceded by two weeks by two other events, on June 22 and June 24, 1947.   During the Maury Island Incident,  two men claimed to have seen UFOs – – among other things – –  in the sky over Maury Island, Washington.  Two days later, aviator Kenneth Arnold claimed to have seen nine UFO’s flying in formation near Mount Rainier, Washington.  The FBI later found that Raymond Palmer was in contact with all of these men soon after:

Within two days of the Arnold sighting, Palmer sensed a marketing opportunity.  He wrote to Arnold asking him to contribute his story to AMAZING STORIES, where presumably it would run alongside Shaver’s Lemurian mystery as “proof” of the “space ships” of Lemurians returning from other planets.  Arnold provided Palmer with an account of his sighting, and would eventually work with Palmer on a book version.  Palmer, who believed in Theosophical concepts like the Akashic record and the flying ships of interplanetary Masters, had already planned to turn the unidentified “discs” into spacecraft from another world within days of Arnold’s sighting.

The men soon confessed to the FBI that the story was false and that they told the tale because Palmer had promised a cash payment to them for more flying disc parts.  Indeed, Dahl told FBI agent Jack Wilcox that he had sent Palmer unidentified metal in early June but that Palmer had called him right after the Arnold sighting, concocting the flying disc story and manipulating him into agreeing that the debris was from a flying disc.  However, one subsequent document said that the two men instead claimed that they would pretend the story was a hoax to avoid publicity.  Richard Dolan makes much hay of this but the documents aren’t really in disagreement.  The men told Wilcox that they had tried to tell Palmer that the story was a joke, and they told later investigators that the story of the flying discs had been made up by Palmer.  They reversed themselves many times after that. Crisman and Dahl went on to allege to Gray Barker that the Men in Black tried to silence them, though Dahl would concede many years later that this too was a hoax.

Maury Island, Mount Rainier, and Roswell in quick succession (among other reports and incidents) primed the public’s interest in UFOs, and the fast-thinking Palmer had positioned himself to take full advantage of this interest.   He first reported on these events in the October, 1947 issue of Astounding Stories, and by early the next year had co-founded a magazine called FATE to report on what we’d consider from the present perspective as X-Files territory.

In the wake of Roswell, Palmer’s FATE Magazine was launched to cover such events.

This is a tiny sliver of the incredibly fascinating story of Raymond Palmer and his role in the events leading up to Roswell.  One could write a book or two about the rest of it, and in fact there have been a few.  Fred Nadis‘ The Man from Mars is a particularly good one, though I think there will be much more detail to emerge from Palmer’s fanzine days alongside Schwartz, Weisinger, and others some day.


For more on Ray Palmer, click and read the following:




E-mail = noriohayakawa@gmail.com

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UFOs may not necessarily be “objects” nor could they be “flying” – – a classic interpretation by Dr. Jacques Vallee

“Human beings are under the control of a strange force that bends them in absurd ways, forcing them to play a role in a bizarre game of deception” – Dr. Jacques Vallee

by Norio Hayakawa, July 2, 2017

Surprising as it may sound, after all my personal efforts of many years in researching and investigating “UFOs”, I cannot even come close to stating what is truly behind this phenomenon.

It still remains a mystery to me.

However, after all these years, the bottom line in my view is that we have yet to come up with a single physical, solid, hard, tangible, irrefutable evidence to conclusively prove that the UFO phenomenon is physical manifestation of physical extraterrestrial spacecraft (with or without physical extraterrestrial entities as its occupants) from beyond this earth.

You can name all the cases you want:

Roswell (1947)….. Rendelesham (December, 1980)….. JAL Flight 1628 case over Alaska (November 17, 1986)….. the Socorro incident in New Mexico (April 24, 1964)….. Betty and Barney Hill (1961)….. Travis Walton (1975)….. The Phoenix Lights (1997)…..etc., etc., ad nauseum.

But again as I stated above, this is the bottom line:

We have not come up with any single, concrete evidence to prove beyond a shadow of doubt that some “UFOs” are “nuts-and-bolts” physical craft operated or manipulated and occupied by physical entities from advanced extraterrestrial civilizations.

Yet we cannot deny the existence of the UFO phenomenon.

As Dr. Jacques Vallee stated:

Skeptics, who flatly deny the existence of any unexplained phenomenon in the name of ‘rationalism,’ are among the primary contributors to the rejection of science by the public. People are not stupid and they know very well when they have seen something out of the ordinary. When a so-called expert tells them the object must have been the moon or a mirage, he is really teaching the public that science is impotent or unwilling to pursue the study of the unknown.”

But, at the same time, Dr. Vallee stated:

“We are dealing with a yet unrecognized level of consciousness, independent of man but closely linked to the earth…. I do not believe anymore that UFOs are simply the spacecraft of some race of extraterrestrial visitors. This notion is too simplistic to explain their appearance, the frequency of their manifestations through recorded history, and the structure of the information exchanged with them during contact.”

– – –

This is why I came to consider that the entire phenomena could even be some form of “psycho-spiritual” manifestations or such by a power which we cannot comprehend simply by physical pursuit, a power which apparently is capable of presenting an “instant” (but only “temporary”) “appearance” or “illusion” of being a physical phenomenon to the observer. Some suggest that it could even be a momentary, holographic intrusion from some “parallel intelligence”.

Some others even suggest that it could perhaps be some form of a temporary interdimensional “intrusion” by an unknown, deceptive type of intelligence.

We just don’t have the answer.

It seems to me that as a possible projection from “another” reality, the phenomenon appears to be able to materialize and de-materialize at will.

But more significant is its apparent inability to stay in our dimensional realm except for a few moments at a time, or only for a short period of time.

Also interesting is their (spacecraft and its occupants’) apparent inability to be photographed with clarity, if at all.

In other words, it seems apparent that they’re unable to survive in our physical dimension except for a very brief period of time, at a time.

This is why it seems to me that in many cases a “UFO”, after making an initial appearance to what I call a “pre-selected” observer (or observers), simply appears to take off at a tremendous speed and disappear into the distance as if utilizing some form of advanced propulsion system.

But could this be a deception?

In other cases, “UFOs” seem to simply hover or “float” (again, as if they’re utilizing some form of a propulsion system capable of “floating”) before taking off or even de-materializing.

But again, could this be a deception?

As Dr. Jacques Vallee suggested quite often, “UFOs” may not necessarily be objects nor could they be “flying” as we understand “flying” by the use of any propulsion system.

Yet they are even said to be able to affect our physical parameters (such as radar, etc.)

As an important review, let’s list Dr. Jacques Vallee’s 5 basic propositions in regards to this phenomenon:

1) “The things we call unidentified flying objects are neither objects nor flying.

They can materialize, as some reliable photographs seem to show, and they violate the laws of motion as we know them”.

2) “UFOs have been seen throughout history and have consistently received (or provided) their own explanation within the framework of each culture.”

3) “UFO reports are not necessarily caused by visits from space travelers. The phenomenon could be a manifestation of a much more complex technology. If time and space are not as simple in structure as physicists have assumed until now, then the question ‘Where do they come from?’ may be meaningless; they could come from a place in time. If consciousness can be manifested outside the body, then the range of hypotheses can be even wider.”

4) “The key to an understanding of the phenomenon lies in the psychic effects it produces (or the psychic awareness it makes possible) in its observers.

Their lives are often deeply changed, and they develop unusual talents with which they may find it difficult to cope.

The proportion of witnesses who do come forward and publish accounts of these experiences is quite low; most of them choose to remain silent”.

5) “Contact between human percipients and the UFO phenomenon always occurs under conditions controlled by the latter. Its characteristic feature is a factor of absurdity that leads to a rejection of the story by the upper layers of the target society and an absorption at a deep unconscious level of the symbols conveyed by the encounter.

The mechanism of this resonance between the UFO symbol and the archetypes of the human unconscious has been abundantly demonstrated by Carl Jung, whose book FLYING SAUCERS makes many references to the age-old significance of the signs in the sky”.

Please watch the following trailer for a documentary film which was released in U.S. theaters in January, 2018:

In my opinion, Dr. Jacques Vallee is probably the world’s top-most authority on the nature of the UFO phenomenon.

I totally concur with Dr. Vallee when he stated that “the things we call ‘unidentified flying objects’ may neither be objects nor flying”.

One of the strangest characteristics of this phenomenon seems to be its ability to materialize and dematerialize at will, violating the laws of motion as we know them.

To me, this inevitably leads us to the question – – (PLEASE CLICK AND READ):




E-mail = noriohayakawa@gmail.com

Facebook = http://www.facebook.com/fernandon.hayakawa

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