“There are no aliens and no alien abductions”, said William “Bill” Cooper, author of BEHOLD A PALE HORSE

There are no aliens, no alien abductions and no alien cattle mutilations”, said the late William “Bill” Cooper, author of BEHOLD A PALE HORSE in this important 1999 interview  (only 2 years before he was killed in a shootout in Arizona):

Just around the time when his book BEHOLD A PALE HORSE became quite popular, Bill Cooper began to depart from “ufology” and was also beginning to hypothesize that “UFOs” had nothing to do with “aliens” but was a manipulation of the government to bring about fear to create a one-world government.

Cooper began to admit that he most likely had been shown disinformation by the government while he was in military service.

On this point, I truly commended Cooper for his admission.

Cooper began to state that he was no longer a “ufologist”.

It was Cooper who coined the term “ufoology” and I also commended him for it.

I basically agree with Bill Cooper on many of the things he said about UFOs and Aliens.

What he meant when he said “Aliens” was “intelligent, sentient, physical extraterrestrial biological entities”.

And he was right, so far.   There is no evidence yet that there are aliens anywhere.

UFOs do not represent any conclusive evidence whatsoever of actual physical ET visitations.

The above all refer to physical reality as we know it.

(However, some say that there could be more to reality than just pure, physical reality in this mysterious universe……I couldn’t agree more.  This falls in the realm of religious or spiritual beliefs of each person.  I do not discount the religious concept of the existence of sentient paraphysical entities, both benevolent or malevolent in nature.  Some call them angelic entities.  It is my belief that eons ago there was a cosmic revolt led by Lucifer in which one third of the created angelic entities sided with Lucifer who became Satan.  It is referred to in Revelation 12:4.   It is my belief that these malevolent, fallen paraphysical entities, also rather uncomfortably described as “demonic“, could be materializing and de-materializing at will, posing as physical aliens to pre-selected observers and could be deceiving many, while the other two thirds of the created angelic entities are benevolent ones, sometimes referred to as “guardian angels”.)


Bill Cooper was also a troubled individual, deep inside.

There was a dark side to his complex personality – – he was extremely short-tempered and had a problem with alcoholism.

When he first started giving lectures at UFO meetings and conferences (beginning in 1989), he insisted that one day he had witnessed a sub-merged disc-shaped object rising out of the sea while on a Navy ship during the time he was in military service.

This claim has never been collaborated by any other witness except himself.

But he had already included this story in the book.

I am not saying that he did not see the disc-shaped object.

He could have seen it.

The bottom line is that by the time he wrote his book, he had long come to the conclusion that all UFOs are man-made objects created by the government.

However, I disagree with his views that all UFOs are man-made objects.

I also do not agree with Bill Cooper that the government has built man-made UFOs in places like Groom Lake/Area 51.

Please also click and read:


By the time that his now “classic” book BEHOLD A PALE HORSE began to receive attention, ironically, he had already began to disassociate himself with much of what he wrote.

“BEHOLD A PALE HORSE” was basically a compilation of his past military service history, his original speech “THE SECRET GOVERNMENT”  (now out-dated, filled with misinformation and disinformation and no longer relevant in many ways),  some obscure and outdated, unreliable information and articles provided by others regarding Area 51 and mixed in with verbatim copying of THE PROTOCOLS OF THE LEARNED ELDERS OF ZION, which many researchers had always regarded to be a fraud, to begin with.



E-mail = noriohayakawa@gmail.com

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Is it possible that we may be alone in the known universe?

So far, there is not a single, physical, tangible, solid as well as credible documentary evidence whatsoever, that we have ever been visited by physical extraterrestrial biological entities in any physical extraterrestrial spacecraft of any kind.

The question is “are we the only sentient, intelligent physical biological entities in this entire universe?

“We just do not know yet.  – – and, this is the best answer we can give for now.

Of course everybody, including myself, thinks it sounds ridiculous to believe that we are the only instance of physical, sentient, intelligent biological life anywhere.  I couldn’t agree more.

But for right now the answer is “We just do not know yet“.

However, so far, there is no evidence whatsoever that there are intelligent, sentient, physical extraterrestrial biological entities commonly known as “aliens” anywhere.

As much as we like to believe, the UFO phenomenon does not represent any conclusive evidence whatsoever of actual physical ET visitations.  This seems to be the conclusion of an overwhelming, vast majority of the world’s scientists and astronomers.

And now here comes a recent collaborating item from the scientists at Oxford University:



by Natalie O’Neill, NEW YORK POST – – June 26, 2018″



Humans may be alone in the universe and will never meet other intelligent life forms, according to a cosmically depressing new study.

Scientists at Oxford University have determined that aliens don’t exist in a report that says human beings are likely flying solo in outer space.

Researchers at Oxford University’s Future of Humanity Institute came to the conclusion that humans are alone in the universe while examining the so-called “Fermi Paradox* — which ponders why scientists believe in extraterrestrials despite having zero proof.

“We find a substantial probability of there being no other intelligent life in our observable universe, and thus that there should be little surprise when we fail to detect any signs of it,” researchers say in the report, published in the online journal  Arxiv.org  earlier this month.

There’s likely no intelligent life outside of Earth — so there’s no need to waste time theorizing about humanity’s relationship with aliens, notes the paper, dubbed “Dissolving the Fermi Paradox.”

The paradox, named after physicist Enrico Fermi (of Los Alamos National Laboratory of New Mexico) questions how there could be “a high probability” of extraterrestrial life when there’s no solid proof.

Where is everyone?” Fermi asked in the 1950s while pondering the possibility of interstellar travel.

Past scientific theories have said alien civilizations may be living in our galaxy based on seven factors — including the position of star formations and how long creatures are able to survive.

But Oxford researchers Anders Sandberg, Eric Drexler and Toby Ord say the simplest solution is likely the truth:  There’s no one else out there.

“There should be little surprise when we fail to detect any signs of [aliens],” it notes.

On the brighter side, those fearing an alien invasion can now rest easy.




The Fermi paradox, or Fermi’s paradox, named after physicist Enrico Fermi, is the apparent contradiction between the lack of evidence and high probability estimates for the existence of extraterrestrial civilizations. The basic points of the argument, made by physicists Enrico Fermi (1901–1954) and Michael H. Hart (born 1932), are:

There are billions of stars in the galaxy that are similar to the Sun and many of these stars are billions of years older than the Solar system.

With high probability, some of these stars have Earth-like planets and if the Earth is typical, some may have developed intelligent life.

Some of these civilizations may have developed interstellar travel, a step the Earth is investigating now.

Even at the slow pace of currently envisioned interstellar travel, the Milky Way galaxy could be completely traversed in a few million years.

According to this line of reasoning, the Earth should have already been visited by extraterrestrial aliens.  In an informal conversation, Fermi noted no convincing evidence of this, leading him to ask, “Where is everybody?

There have been many attempts to explain the Fermi paradox, primarily either suggesting that intelligent extraterrestrial life is extremely rare or proposing reasons that such civilizations have not contacted or visited Earth.



E-mail = noriohayakawa@gmail.com

Facebook = http://www.facebook.com/fernandon.hayakawa

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Skunk Works celebrates 75th anniversary of innovation and secrecy

by Tom Demerly, THE AVIATIONIST, June 14, 2018



No one outside of its very opaque walls knows how many projects the secretive Lockheed “Skunk Works” have developed, and how many flops they’ve had.  But everyone in defense and aerospace knows the Lockheed Skunk Works broke barriers in innovation and defense acquisition that changed the world and toppled superpowers.  It likely continues to do so today, behind a thick veil of secrecy.

While no one in the public domain knows what the Skunk Works is working on now, the one thing that is certain is they are working on something.   A host of projects has been discussed by the U.S. Air Force and Lockheed that include hypersonic remotely piloted and manned strike and reconnaissance platforms.

In 2017 Aviation Week magazine wrote that, “One such technology demonstrator, believed to be an unmanned subscale aircraft, was observed flying into the U.S. Air Force’s Plant 42 at Palmdale, where Skunk Works is headquartered.  The vehicle, which was noted landing in the early hours at an unspecified date in late July, was seen with two T-38 escorts.  Lockheed Martin declined to comment directly on the sighting.”

In a rare and stunning reveal in late 2017 at the Society of Aerospace Engineers Exhibition, Lockheed’s Executive Vice President of Aeronautics, Orlando Carvalho, told media about a new “SR-72 program”: “Although I can’t go into specifics, let us just say the Skunk Works team in Palmdale, California, is doubling down on our commitment to speed.”  Carvalho told Aviation Week, “Hypersonics is like stealth.  It is a disruptive technology and will enable various platforms to operate at two to three times the speed of the Blackbird… Security classification guidance will only allow us to say the speed is greater than Mach 5.”

Based on their remarkable 75-year history two things we do know about the Skunk Works’ current projects are; they are certainly working on something, and, it will defy our imaginations.




E-mail = noriohayakawa@gmail.com

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PALE HORSE RIDER: William Cooper, the Rise of Conspiracy, and the Fall of Trust in America – – by Mark Jacobson

A riveting new book (coming out on September 4, 2018) written by NEW YORK MAGAZINE writer Mark Jacobson:

We are living in a time of unprecedented distrust in America:

Faith in the government is at an all-time low, and political groups on both sides of the aisle are able to tout preposterous conspiracy theories as gospel, without much opposition.

“Fake news” is the order of the day.

This book is about a man to whom all of it points, the greatest conspiracist of this generation and a man you may not have heard of.

A former U.S. naval intelligence worker, Milton William Cooper published his manifesto BEHOLD A PALE HORSE in 1991 – – which became widely popular in the mid 90’s to the late 90’s.

Since then it has gone on to sell hundreds of thousands of copies, becoming the number-one bestseller in the American prison system. (Bookscan lists sales at 289,000 since 2005.)

According to BEHOLD A PALE HORSE, the Illuminati are secretly involved with the U.S. government to manage relationships with “extraterrestrials”.

Cooper died in a shootout with Apache County police in 2001, one month after September 11, in the year in which he had predicted catastrophe.

Many of Cooper’s conclusions were driven by personal demons and a highly creative connection of dots, and yet they have shaped much of the fabric of American life in the past few decades.   Terry Nichols, Timothy McVeigh’s cohort in the Oklahoma City bombing, was a fan, and BEHOLD A PALE HORSE has great appeal among right-wing radicals.

On the other hand, the book transcends class and race barriers:

It is read primarily by poor blacks in prison and appeals to people who acutely feel that society is fixed against them.  It has inspired numerous hip-hop groups and continues to do so.

In PALE HORSE RIDER, journalist Mark Jacobson not only tells the story of Cooper’s fascinating life but also provides the social and political context for American paranoia.  Indeed, with the present NSA situation and countless other shadowy government dealings often in the news, aren’t we right to suspect that things may not be as they seem?



(By the way, a few years ago I had a great privilege of  getting together with this great writer for the NEW YORK MAGAZINE, Mark Jacobson, in Rio Rancho, New Mexico when he visited me – – I truly enjoyed discussing with him all kinds of fascinating topics.   I will never forget that experience.)


By the way, it is of utmost importance to note that towards the end of his turbulent “career”,  Cooper distanced himself from the world of “UFOlogy“.   Click and read the following article:

“There are no aliens and no alien abductions”, said William ‘Bill’ Cooper, author of BEHOLD A PALE HORSE

Also, please click and read:





E-mail = noriohayakawa@gmail.com

Facebook = http://www.facebook.com/fernandon.hayakawa

See Norio Hayakawa’s YouTube Videos

Anthony Bourdain (1956 – 2018) – – May you rest in peace !!


(1956 – 2018)

In 2013, I had a wonderful privilege of been interviewed by Anthony Bourdain when he came to visit New Mexico for his PARTS UNKNOWN New Mexico Episode.

At that time I was not aware that he had joined CNN and was not even aware that the title of his program was going to be PARTS UNKNOWN.

The producers asked where would be a good place for the interview.
I suggested the parking lot of the Nuclear Museum in Albuquerque, right next to Kirtland Air Force Base, since I understood that the topic with me was going to be about UFOs and extraterrestrials in New Mexico and about the our group called the “New Mexico UFO and Paranormal Forum”.

It was a perfect background because there was a tall replica of Redstone rocket there, alluding to the importance of rocketry in the U.S. and the beginning of post-World War II Space Age in New Mexico.

The interview was held way after midnight.
I believe that Anthony Bourdain and his crew were tasting some street tacos at a taco stand on Central Avenue that night, prior to our interview.

There wasn’t a soul in the spacious parking lot except for Lesley Gunter, writer for the UFO Magazine and who was instrumental in bringing Bourdain and his crew to Albuquerque.

At the parking lot, I explained to Anthony Bourdain the importance of rocketry and the importance of Sandia/Manzano Base inside Kirtland Air Force Base.
We also talked about UFOs.
He seemed to be very interested.

He said he was aware of the existence of Black Projects, as well as Operation Paperclip bringing in of German scientists to the U.S.  (particularly to New Mexico)  after the close of World War II.

I was pleasantly surprised.

The person in the middle of the photo is Jim Brockway, aerospace researcher and friend of mine.

Anthony Bourdain was so natural and so authentic, just as I had seen him many times before on TRAVEL CHANNEL’s “No Reservations”.

I was so impressed.

Therefore it was such a shock to me to learn that Anthony Bourdain took his own life on June 8 in France while he was doing his another episode of PARTS UNKNOWN.
I still have a difficult time accepting it.

May you rest in peace, Anthony Bourdain !!



E-mail = noriohayakawa@gmail.com

Facebook = http://www.facebook.com/fernandon.hayakawa

See Norio Hayakawa’s YouTube Videos

This is why I love New Mexico, USA – – my best shots so far, using an inexpensive pocket camera


(CLICK ABOVE FOR ENLARGEMENT – – Like I stated elsewhere before, I will spend the rest of the remaining sunset years of my life here in beautiful New Mexico, USA – – taken from a public nature walkway in Rio Rancho, close to our home, with the majestic view of the Sandia Mountains, taken in June of 2017)

(CLICK ABOVE FOR ENLARGEMENT – – This is where I find peace and tranquility – – the view of the majestic Sandia Mountains and the Rio Grande – – taken from inside the Coronado Monument in Bernalillo)

(CLICK ABOVE FOR ENLARGEMENT – – I never get tired of New Mexico sunsets – – taken from our backyard in Rio Rancho – – this kind of sunset can happen any time of the year here in New Mexico)

(CLICK ABOVE FOR ENLARGEMENT – – my favorite Cabezon Peak, New Mexico in the distance to the right – – November 1, 2018, taken from Hwy 550 just south of Cuba.)

(CLICK ABOVE FOR ENLARGEMENT – – This is why I live in New Mexico, October 27, 2018, 6:30 p.m. – – from Albuquerque, looking at the volcanoes way in the distance, temperature 62 F, 17 C)

(CLICK ABOVE FOR ENLARGEMENT – – This is why I live in New Mexico,  October 27, 2018, 6:30 p.m. – – from Albuquerque, looking at the volcanoes in the distance, temperature 62 F, 17 C)

(CLICK ABOVE FOR ENLARGEMENT – – Montano picnic area, by Coors and Montano in Albuquerque – – perfect weather (70 F, 21 C), October 27, 2018, 2:30 p.m.)

(CLICK ABOVE FOR ENLARGEMENT – – The Montano Bridge on Montano at Coors Blvd. in Albuquerque – – October 27, 2018, perfect weather, deep blue skies, temperature 70 F  (21 C)

(CLICK ABOVE FOR ENLARGEMENT – – A dreary day, Sandia Mountaintop covered with clouds, October 17, 2018, 9:30 a.m., from Rio Rancho, temperature 54 F  (12 C)

(CLICK ABOVE FOR ENLARGEMENT – – Weather back to normal again, taken on October 19, 2018, 3 p.m. in San Ysidro, temperature 68 F  (20 C)

(CLICK ABOVE FOR ENLARGEMENT – – Signs of autumn here in New Mexico, taken on October 8, 2018, 1:15 p.m. atop the Sandia Crest in Albuquerque, temperature 1 degree C  (34 degrees F), cold and foggy – – taken with my iPhone 6 camera)

(ABOVE – – The sunset that we take for granted every evening here in beautiful New Mexico, USA.
Taken at 6 pm on February 18, 2018, looking at the Sandia Mountains from Rio Rancho……temperature 60 degrees F,  16 degrees C)

(CLICK ABOVE FOR ENLARGEMENT – – Gorgeous greenery in the desert…….beautiful and serene Japanese Garden at the BioPark in Albuquerque, New Mexico, U.S.A. – – April 12, 2017, 11:30 a.m., temperature – a comfortable 73 degrees F (22 degrees C)

(ABOVE – – from three years ago.
Partial rainbow over the Sandia Mountains, New Mexico, U.S.A……..June 14, 2015…..at 7:45 p.m……looking towards Corrales, from Rio Rancho.)

(ABOVE – – I wouldn’t want to live anywhere else in the sunset years of my life.
Sandia Mountains at dusk, as seen from the east edge of Rio Rancho, New Mexico…taken on December 11, 2016, 5 p.m.)

(ABOVE — spending the sunset years of my life here in beautiful New Mexico, USA.
From the east end of Rio Rancho, looking at the Sandia Mountains, on Dec. 22, 2013….4:20 p.m….temperature 43 degrees Fahrenheit – – 
(6 degrees Celsius).

(ABOVE – – A full moon, right next to the Sandia Mountains…..from Rio Rancho, New Mexico, U.S.A.….December 16, 2013….5 p.m…..temperature 45 degrees F……..(7 degrees C)

(ABOVE – – Autumn in New Mexico, U.S.A. – – Thursday, November 3, 2016….3 p.m…..at the edge of Santa Ana pueblo, near Bernalillo.)

(ABOVE – – Beautiful clouds of New Mexico.
Taken on June 16, 2015 at 8:15 p.m. – across from our house in Rio Rancho.)

(ABOVE – – looking at the Sandia Mountains and Corrales in the background, from Rio Rancho….December 15, 2015….5 p.m., temperature 30 degrees F,  -2 degrees C)

(ABOVE – – Autumn in New Mexico…….This was taken on Coors and Montano Blvds., Albuquerque, New Mexico, U.S.A on November 14, 2015……4:45 p.m…….temperature 48 degrees (9 degrees Celsius)

(ABOVE – – this was the first place I came after I landed at Albuquerque airport in 1965….a beautiful site by the Rio Grande and the original location of the College of St. Joseph on the Rio Grande, later renamed the University of Albuquerque, and presently the location of St. Pius High School)

(ABOVE – – my favorite Sandia Mountains of New Mexico, as seen from the Rio Grande in Bernalillo…..27 degrees C – – 80 degrees F, taken on Sept. 21, 2018.)

(ABOVE – – A beautiful day in Rio Rancho, New Mexico, USA, with the Sandia Mountains in the background. – near Unser Blvd. and Highway 550…..temperature 72 degrees F (22 degrees C) – – 4 p.m., May 4, 2018
Rio Rancho is a modern city with a population of about 95,000….but just a few minutes drive from the city, you will get to this type of beautiful desert environment.)

(ABOVE – – this is why I love New Mexico – – the colors……looking towards Corrales in the distance and the Sandia Mountains….October 2, 2015….6:30 p.m., temperature 80  degrees F)

(ABOVE – – the clouds of New Mexico are so amazing – – this shot taken on February 10, 2018, the day when the skies over New Mexico turned magical)

(ABOVE – – Amazing clouds of New Mexico – –
Looking at the Sandia Mountains and Corrales in the distance, from Rio Rancho – – October 9, 2016 – 6:30 p.m. – temperature 62 degrees F (16 degrees C). 

(ABOVE – – Amazing clouds of New Mexico – –
Looking at the Sandia Mountains and Corrales in the distance, from Rio Rancho – – October 9, 2016 – 6:30 p.m. – temperature 62 degrees F (16 degrees C).  All I can say is that I was just lucky, lucky, lucky – – as well as the guy standing in back of the bench. And I took this lucky shot with my inexpensive pocket camera, the only camera I own!!)

(ABOVE – – A full moon, right next to the Sandia Mountains…..from Rio Rancho, New Mexico, U.S.A.….December 16, 2013….5 p.m…..temperature 45 degrees F  (7 degrees C)

(ABOVE – –  About 4 or 5 years ago, on Unser and near 550 Hwy.
I was driving north on Unser Blvd. to our former home in Enchanted Hills of Rio Rancho, New Mexico. I noticed a full moon on the right side. It was too good to miss the shot. I stopped my car by the roadside and took out my inexpensive pocket camera and took the shot. This was what I call being at the right place at the right time.)

(ABOVE – – Night lights of Albuquerque, New Mexico in the distance, with the Sandia Mountains in the background – – as seen from the east end of Rio Rancho, Sept. 24, 2018, 7:30 p.m., temperature 24 degrees C (76 degrees F)My inexpensive pocket camera does not take decent pictures at night…….this was the best I could do with it.)

(ABOVE – – from the eastern edge of Rio Rancho, with the Sandia Mountains and Albuquerque in the distance toward the right…….September 23, 2018 – – 7:30 p.m., temperature 24 degrees C (76 degrees F)

(ABOVE – – the same location, taken on October 4, 2018, 6:45 p.m., this time with my iPhone 6 camera, with the Sandia Mountains in the background.)

ABOVE – – Close to sundown, from my favorite spot in Rio Rancho, New Mexico, USA – – with the Sandia Mountains in the distance – – July 24, 2018, 7:35 p.m….temperature 90 degrees F (32 degrees C)

ABOVE – – This is why I love living here in Rio Rancho, New Mexico, USA……August 6, 2018, 8 p.m., looking at the Sandia Mountains…..temperature 90 degrees F (32 degrees C)

ABOVE – – Just another beautiful sunset…..here in Rio Rancho, New Mexico, USA…..August 6, 2018, looking west, across from the fire station.



E-mail = noriohayakawa@gmail.com

Facebook = http://www.facebook.com/fernandon.hayakawa

See Norio Hayakawa’s YouTube Videos