Area 51 in Nevada and Dulce, New Mexico – – Reality versus myths


(Click above for enlargement – – Groom Lake (Area 51), Papoose Lake and Yucca Lake (with Area 6 UAV airstrip)

(Click above for enlargement – – East gate perimeter line on Groom Lake Rd….photo, courtesy of POPULAR MECHANICS)

Social media and fake news sites continue to have a growing impact on a gullible segment of the public with their promotion of distorted beliefs in UFOs and conspiracies.

Some folks describe me as a researcher, journalist, musician, composer and public educator.
I do not deserve to be described as such.
Basically all I am is just being the director of the Civilian Intelligence News Service, an alternative news service for a loosely-knit network, the “Citizens’ Oversight Commmittee on Government Accountability”.
However, I do support the Federation of American Scientists (FAS), the largest public watchdog agency on government accountability in the U.S.

I have spent many years investigating Area 51 in Nevada to determine the facts of the importance of that facility.
In 1990, I accompanied a Japanese TV crew to document the goings-on near Area 51.
The Japanese TV crew and I also visited Dulce, New Mexico, immediately following our investigations in Nevada.

In March of 2009, I organized the first “Underground Base: Fact or Fiction?” conference in Dulce, New Mexico to determine if there is any validity to the allegation that there is a physical underground base there.

Although I take a skeptical position when it comes to the existence of such a base in Dulce, New Mexico, I believe that both Area 51 and Dulce have become two of the most popular topics today, a fascination that is capturing the attention of a segment of the population.

I believe that this two topics have become a social, cultural and psychological phenomenon within America’s subculture.

I will talk about how social media and fake news sites continue to have impact not only on some people’s distorted beliefs in “UFOs” and “Conspiracies” but also on society in general, even extending to politics.

The Internet has revolutionized how information as well as misinformation can be accessed instantaneously.

For many gullible folks among a segment of the society (and there are many such folks in the so-called UFO Community), the Internet has become a cesspool of totally unfounded “facts” created by hucksters and hoaxsters so much so that even college-educated folks seem to fall into it.

Such hucksters and hoaxsters have become so skillful in their “art forms” that it is becoming harder and harder for many folks to distinguish what is true information and what is misinformation.

Also add to all this those who are propagating the UFO Industry, i.e., some authors, some UFO talk show hosts and many UFO Conference promoters.

My presentation is based on the fact that Area 51 in Nevada is a growing, vital R & D (research and development) and testing complex in our war against terrorism.
This operating base in Nevada is so important in that it involves our hard-earned tax dollars that continue to help maintain our ongoing fight against global terrorism by constant research into more efficient weapons systems (being developed at this location as well as at Creech AFB in Nevada, as well as the various aerospace facilities in the Antelope Valley area of Southern California, as well as Kirtland AFB in New Mexico, as well as at Dugway Proving Grounds in Utah, etc. etc.)


(RQ-170 Sentinel)


(Click and enlarge above – – MQ-9 Reaper at Creech AFB, Nevada)


(Click and enlarge above – – B-21 soon to begin its test at Area 51)

Please click and read:




As far as the alleged Dulce Base in New Mexico is concerned, I will point out the fact that Dulce, New Mexico may not be about aliens.

There is no credible evidence whatsoever of the existence of a physical Dulce underground base in New Mexico.

As far as “UFOs” are concerned, the “UFO phenomenon” does not represent any conclusive evidence of any physical extraterrestrial visitations to our Earth.

No, Dulce may not be about aliens.

To me, it seems to be a lingering human problem that has been hidden from the public unintentionally.
Hidden behind the veil of outlandish rumors about the so-called “alien” base, the reality of the matter is that Dulce is pre-eminently about the lingering health issues affecting the community, i.e., the ongoing effects of radiation that leaked out in the neighboring areas from the 1967 Project Gasbuggy that took place just about 22 miles southwest of Dulce.
This is the reason why the Dulce area has had a high rate of cancer and a high rate of infertility.
That is basically what Dulce, New Mexico may be about, not about aliens.


(Project Gasbuggy, December 10, 1967 – – 22 miles southwest of Dulce)


(Project Gasbuggy, December 10, 1967 – – 22 miles southwest of Dulce)

Here is a powerful testimony from a member of the Jicarilla Apache Nation:

(name withheld):

I am a member of The Jicarilla Apache Nation.
My father passed from a brain tumor in 06.
My Mother was just diagnosed on 1-13-17 with a brain tumor.
I honestly believe there are no coincidences here.
The radiation lingering effects are making my people sick with cancer.
I myself can’t have any children
Please help.
I have contacted several attorney’s who are Native American and specialize in Federal Indian Law.
No replies yet.”

Please watch the following video:
Underground nuclear explosion near Dulce, New Mexico in 1967:

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No, Dulce may not be about aliens.

There are two types of folks in this world — those who live in the real world and those who live in “dreamland“.
Which one are you?

If you live in “dreamland“, then CLICK AND READ:


You also need to be acquainted with:


DENVER – UNDATED: Major Jesse Marcel from the Roswell Army Air Field with debris found 75 miles north west of Roswell, NM, in June 1947. The debris has been identified as that of a radar target. The Air Force released a report on 24 June debunking reports of a UFO crash near Roswell, NM, in 1947. (Photo by: UNITED STATES AIR FORCE/AFP/Getty Images)

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Jesus and Buddha – – differences far outweigh “similarities”


It seems that it has become quite popular to claim that Buddhism is not a religion per se, but rather a philosophical path or a way of life.
Dalai Lama said “If Buddhism and Science disagree, go with Science.”
Buddha himself said “don’t believe anything I say unless it matches with your experience.”

Jesus and Buddha – – differences far outweight “similarities”

First, the Buddhist view, by Joshua Hudson:



There are many books on the topic of where Buddhism and Christianity agree in philosophy.
The same can be made of most (if not all) religions.
Some of the key factors of what is best of the Bible and Buddhism both converge on the areas of ethics, kindness, giving, and love.
Even the concept of sin, depending on how you interpret the Bible, is the same.
On the “Sermon on the Mount” Jesus states many concepts that would agree with many Buddhist traditions:
– Be humble
– Be compassionate (a possible translation of sympathy through mourning)
– Live simply (a possible translation of meek)
– Be ethical (a possible translation of righteous)
– Be merciful
– Be pure of heart
– Be a peacemaker
– Do not live in fear to do what is right
– Be an example to others (“the light of the world”)
– Do not murder (the Buddhist First Precept)
– Do not commit adultery (The Buddhist Third Precept)
– Sin is not only found in action but in intention (the Buddhist concept of volitional action creating karma)
– Keep your promises (The Buddhist Fourth Precept)
– Turn the other cheek (The Buddhist concept of compassion or karuna)
– Do charity because it is in your heart to do so (the concept of dana)
– Do not judge ( The Buddhist concept of the three poisons: hatred, greed and delusion)
– Always be seeking and questioning ( “seek and you will find ..”)
– Beware of false prophets and judge them by the fruit they bare (the sutta of the Kalamas)

In many ways, this seminal talk of Jesus encompasses almost all of the major concepts of Buddhism.


The definitive dividing line for Christianity and Buddhism is also set out in the “Sermon on the Mount.”
While Buddhism is a faith of self-realization, Christianity is a faith of God’s revelation.
In order to be Christian, you must believe that there is a God and that Jesus was his only begotten son who came to Earth.
But the Buddha purposefully did not speak of a creator God.
He also lived 500 years before Jesus and would not have known him (although there is speculation that Jesus would have known Buddha’s teachings).
Buddha not being a theist or atheist left alone the issue of God as irrelevant to his practice.
“I teach only the understanding of suffering,” said Buddha, “and the end of suffering.”
However, if Jesus is the way to salvation, can you believe in the practices of the Buddha and still be Christian?
Isn’t Jesus the only way to the end of suffering?
For those who follow a Christian-Buddhist path, Jesus himself could best present the answer.
“Render unto Caesar what is Caesar’s,” said Jesus, “and unto God what is God’s.”
Buddhism is a faith in the practice of here and now.
Christianity is a practice for the afterlife.


For those Buddhists who practice for an understanding of the afterlife, incorporating Christianity would be almost impossible.
The concept of rebirth precludes the idea of an eternal heaven.
The Christian faith requires the concept of heaven (although not historically a concept of hell).
There is a God, a Heaven, and Jesus.
So Buddhists who embrace the cosmology of certain sects of Buddhism or atheism, could never entertain the idea of Christian-Buddhists: just as Christians who believe God is continually participating in every thought of their life could never believe in a happiness that is caused by their own free will.
But what of God being in every aspect of the world?
Effecting every action?
Christians who consider adding Buddhism to their practice may find others who think that no movements are made in the universe without God’s intervention.

I would direct them to Kings 19:11-13:
The LORD said, “Go out and stand on the mountain in the presence of the LORD, for the LORD is about to pass by.” 

Then a great and powerful wind tore the mountains apart and shattered the rocks before the LORD, but the LORD was not in the wind.
After the wind there was an earthquake, but the LORD was not in the earthquake.
After the earthquake came a fire, but the LORD was not in the fire.
And after the fire came a gentle whisper.
When Elijah heard it, he pulled his cloak over his face and went out and stood at the mouth of the cave.
Then a voice said to him, “What are you doing here, Elijah?”

In this understanding of God, the Creator would be one that does not interfere with the world in which we live, but only touches the heart of man to let him know he is there.
It is up to man to make his volitional choices using his free will, and making his own happiness.
The story of Job tells of the story of a faithful man who is beset by all sorts of misfortune, but he “chooses” to keep his faith.
While Jesus performs miracles and teaches his gospel, he always leaves these parables as tools so that his followers can make their own choices towards happiness.
The Buddha does the same as Jesus, but without the need to exclude the idea of other faiths.
The Buddha said for us to always question and practice and see the truth by the fruits of our efforts.
If a Christian can grow and develop his faith by adding the tools of the Buddha, then I see it as a good


Here is the Christian view, by Douglas R. Groothuis:


“The essential religious truth claims of Jesus and Buddha differ radically from one another.
To think otherwise is to ignore history, logic, and the well-being of one’s soul, since Jesus and Buddha proposed radically different spiritual paths.
Jesus, in fact, warned that the path to life was narrow and that many fail to find it (Matt. 7:13).
Jesus’ followers must not shrink back from the seriousness of His statement, especially in our pluralistic society.

Before comparing the basic teachings of Jesus and Buddha regarding God, humans, and salvation, one should point out to those enamored of the Buddha that the earliest written documents about the life of Buddha (563–483 b.c.) come about five hundred years after his death.
In his edited collection, Buddhist Scriptures, Edward Conze notes that Buddhism has nothing that corresponds to the Christian New Testament, which is an authoritative canon of Scriptures written a short time after the life of Jesus.
Let no one, therefore, take Buddhist records as hard history and then discount the New Testament for being too ancient to be historically credible.

Two Virgin Birth Stories:

Some try to narrow the gap between Jesus and Buddha by saying that both are recorded as having come into the world through spiritual means via a virgin birth.
In their recent book, The Original Jesus, Elman Gruber and Holger Kersten go even further and argue that the story of Jesus’ virgin birth was borrowed from a Buddhist source that claimed the same kind of supernatural origin for Buddha.

This is unlikely.
First, this view overlooks significant differences between the two accounts.
In the Buddhist account, the prehuman Buddha came in the form of a white elephant who entered the side of his mother.
Religious scholar Geoffrey Parrinder notes that it “was not a virgin birth, since she was married, and in this story…it is celestial influence rather than a divine seed that enters her.”
The Gospel’s account of Jesus’ conception and birth differs radically (Luke 1:26–35).
Second, the Buddhist sources are dated long after the gospels of Luke and Matthew.
The Buddhist story comes from a fifth-century a.d. text and is absent from the most ancient Pali canon of Buddhism.
If any borrowing occurred, it is more likely that Buddhists selectively borrowed from the Gospels than vice versa.
The New Testament documents were all written in the middle to the late first century.
According to renowned biblical scholar J. Gresham Machen, the virgin birth material had “been in existence only a few decades from the time when Jesus lived.”
This is quite different from the late emergence of the Buddhist stories.
What about Jesus’ and Buddha’s essential worldviews, that is, their teachings on ultimate reality, the human condition, and spiritual liberation?

Two Views of Ultimate Reality.

Jesus affirmed the existence and unity of a personal and moral God, who is both sovereign over history and involved with it.
He taught His disciples to pray, “Our Father who is in heaven” (Matt. 6:9 nasb).
Jesus never challenged the monotheism of His Jewish brethren but affirmed it and intensified its spiritual and moral challenges (Matt. 5–7).
Buddha, however, did not deem theological matters worthy of consideration.
He regarded them as metaphysical speculations, unedifying and irrelevant to attaining spiritual liberation.
He challenged key features of the Brahmanism of his native India but did not embrace belief in a Creator God as fundamental to proper spirituality.
Buddha’s image is worshiped around the globe, but he never considered himself a revelation of God.
He rather considered himself an enlightened teacher (“Buddha” is a title that means “the enlightened one”).

Two Views of the Human Condition.

Human beings, according to Jesus, were created by God (Matt. 19:4) and ought to worship and obey God with their whole beings, as well as to love their neighbors as themselves (Matt. 22:37–39).
Jesus taught that humans possess immaterial souls that persist after death and that will one day be reunited with resurrected bodies (Matt. 12:26–27; John 5:28–29).
Jesus, however, also referred to humans as spiritually “lost” (Luke 19:10) and corrupt at their core (Matt. 9:13; Mark 7:21–23).
Buddha did not speculate about human origins but focused on the human condition as (1) suffused with suffering (2) brought about through unfulfilled desires (the first two of the Four Noble Truths, the essence of Buddhism).
He taught that people cannot satisfy their souls with anything because they do not have souls.
Just as a chariot has no essence, but is only a collection of individual parts, so the human person has no essence or substance; it is only a collection of parts or states called skandas.
There is no personal essence or soul, and there is no personal afterlife.

Buddha did not deny the Hindu doctrines of transmigration and reincarnation, but he denied that there is any individual soul that comes back in another form.

Two Views of Spiritual Liberation.

According to Jesus, salvation is found in Him alone: “The Son of Man came to seek and to save what was lost” (Luke 19:10 niv).
Jesus viewed Himself as the only way to restore fellowship with the heavenly Father: “All things have been committed to me by my Father.
No one knows the Son except the Father, and no one knows the Father except the Son and those to whom the Son chooses to reveal him” (Matt. 11:27 niv; cf. John 14:6).
He claimed, moreover, to be God incarnate (John 8:58).

In light of this, Jesus beckons us to follow Him (Matt. 11:28–30) and to believe in Him for the forgiveness of sins and eternal life (John 3:16; 6:29).
These claims, however, were not uttered in a vacuum.
Jesus demonstrated Himself to be the divine Messiah through the wisdom of His teaching, His fulfillment of Hebrew prophecy, the unparalleled power of His miracles, His authority over the demonic world, His sacrificial death on the cross, and His own death-shattering resurrection.
Buddha taught that spiritual deliverance was found by letting go of desire and the quest to satisfy the nonexistent soul, and by detaching oneself from impermanent things.
This teaching is the Third Noble Truth.

The Fourth Noble Truth is that salvation is achieved through effort, which Buddha called “the eightfold path.”
It requires wisdom (right understanding and thought), ethical conduct (right speech, action, and livelihood), and mental discipline (right effort, awareness, and meditation).

Those who succeed leave the realm of karma and rebirth and attain nirvana, which is the blowing out of the human personality in a state that supposedly cannot be described in words.
Buddha did not claim to bestow this state upon others, he simply pointed toward it.
He never claimed to be God moreover; nor did he raise the dead, heal the sick, or cast out demons.
At age 80, he died.

According to the New Testament, Jesus came into the world as a supernatural agent of redemption, who accepted suffering at the hands of sinful humans that He might vicariously atone for the sins of a rebellious world estranged from its own Source of goodness and life.
He embraced suffering on the cross in order to rescue those suffering from sin and its effects (Isa. 53). As one poet wrote, “No other God has wounds but thee.”
The risen Jesus presented His wounds to doubting Thomas as proof of the efficacy of His mission (John 20:26–29).
The oldest accounts of the life of Buddha do not depict him as a supernatural figure but as an illuminated sage.
Images of Buddha worldwide show a man sitting in tranquil contemplation with his eyes shut to a world he wants to transcend.
How different from this posture was the defining act of Jesus, who, though nailed to a cross, bruised and bloodied, gazed in love on the world He came to redeem.
Buddha taught the dharma (the way or teaching) to many others, but he never claimed to overcome death through his own death or to offer life through his own life.
He only pointed the way to nirvana whereas Jesus opened the door to heaven.
The essential teachings and ministries of Jesus and Buddha cannot be reconciled or synthesized.
No amount of religious tolerance or pluralism can erase the deep and sharp differences between these two identities, their worldviews, and their actions.
By accurately defining these differences we do justice to both religious leaders while communicating the truth in love to those who would place them on the same plane.”


Click and see the following YouTube video presentation:
Know what you believe and why, by Douglas R. Groothuis:

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The entire universe was specifically fine tuned for human life !!- – – then what about UFOs?

“More and more discoveries suggest design, intelligence, and purpose in this amazing universe.
As we discover more of these truths, though, we have a paradox because another mystery only increases – – that is, the UFO phenomenon.
Why is it that, when the search of space is decreasing the likelihood of extraterrestrial visitors, the circumstantial evidence for UFO sightings and alien abductions seems to be constant?
Could Dr. Jacques Vallee be right?
Are these creatures not from physical outer space but from another reality  (or dimension)  that co-exists with us?”

(Gary Bates, ALIEN INTRUSION, 2004, Creation Book Publishers, Powder Springs, GA)

First, let’s talk about the uniqueness of our Earth.

The Anthropic Principle states that the universe was especially suited for the well-being of mankind!!

“As just one of hundreds of examples, consider the tides that the moon causes on earth.
If the moon was closer to the earth, tides would be greatly increased.
Ocean waves could sweep across the continents.
The seas themselves might heat to the boiling point from the resulting friction.
On the other hand, a more distant moon would reduce the tides.
Marine life would be endangered by the resulting preponderance of stagnant water.
Mankind would also be in trouble because the oxygen in the air we breathe is replenished by marine plants.
We can conclude that the moon is in the “correct” position for man’s well-being.
Even such details as the mass of protons and the strength of gravity have values that give stability to the universe and thus reinforce the Anthropic Principle.
The Anthropic Principle is a powerful argument that the universe was designed“.

(Donald B. DeYoung, ASTRONOMY AND THE BIBLE, 1992….page 123….Baker Book House, Grand Rapids, MI)

“There are hundreds of examples where this is shown to be true, and without going into extreme detail, here are just a few that lend themselves to the idea that the universe is especially designed for life on earth
(Gary Bates, ALIEN INTRUSION, p. 111 – – 2004, Creation Book Publishers, Powder Springs, GA)

“*Stars and their distance from the earth:

Our neighboring stars in our Milky Way galaxy are nicely spaced apart so that they produce just enough light to be seen, but are not so close that they overwhelm us with dangerous radiation or gravitational forces. On the other hand, if they were farther away, the night sky would be considerably darker, and the stars would not be so useful as navigational aids and markers for the seasons, which mankind has used for many centuries.

*The solar system’s position in the galaxy:

The solar system is located about two-thirds of the way from the center of the Milky Way. If it were closer to the center, where there is a concentration of other stars known as the galactic bulge, we would be overpowered by their brightness, and nothing else in the universe would be observable. If we were too close to the outer edge of the galaxy, the night sky would be too dark.

*Perfect daylight:

Our sun does not oscillate significantly in size the way many other stars appear to do. This would make conditions unlivable on the earth. The sun provides just the right amount of brightness to the earth and it is the perfect color (its wavelengths) for the job. It has a yellow-white color, unlike many other stars of differing colors. The peak intensity of its light is in the infrared spectrum, which provides warmth to all inhabitants of Earth.

*The earth spins at the correct speed:

The spin of the earth is ideal for producing day and night. Longer days would cause a greater warming-up effect and, conversely, longer nights – – more cold. A faster rate of spin would produce constant violent weather conditions.

*The right tilt:

The axis of the earth is tilted to an angle of 23.5 degrees. This tilt allows the northern hemisphere to receive more sun from April to September, and the southern hemisphere from October to March, thus spreading the sun’s warmth over a greater part of the globe than if there were no tilt. This seasonal change is absolutely vital for triggering the blossoming of plants and fruits, and to the courtship of some creatures. If the tilt were any greater, the ice caps would melt in summer and flood the landmasses. Any less tilt and the seasons would be less marked due to the reduced variation in temperatures.

*Perfect distance from the sun:

If we were 10 percent closer to the sun, the earth would have furnace-like temperatures, and 10 percent farther away would produce icy deserts. Also, the oceans would boil off or freeze solid respectively, so there could be no life as we know it.

*The right size:

We are aware of the effects of reduced or increased gravity on the other planets in our solar system. There is either too much or too little. The earth is just the right size for its inhabitants. Because of this, water remains in a liquid state. Lesser gravity and the water would be lost to space due to the greater evaporation of cold water cause by lower atmospheric pressure.

*The water cycle:

Water covers 70 percent of the earth, via its oceans, rivers, lakes, and streams. This arrangement (evaporation from oceans to form clouds that eventually cause rain to fall on the land) is unique within our solar system, and provides a convenient supply of fresh water for the earth’s life forms.

*Right construction:

Earth offers a vast supply of resources, such as wood, metals, animals, plants, and a host of others that are useful for mankind. In addition, Earth has the right conditions to permit the formation and maintenance of the ozone layer in the atmosphere to protect us. It has a magnetic field which helps deflect harmful radiation from the sun. The magnetic field also aids navigation for man and beast. Our atmosphere is composed of just the right gases, unlike some of the noxious combinations found elsewhere in our solar system.”

(Stuart Burgess, HE MADE THE STARS ALSO, p. 62-78…..2001 – – Day One Publications, Epson, UK)



(Dr. Jacques Vallee with John A. Keel – – “Human beings are under the control of a strange force that bends them in absurd ways, forcing them to play a role in a bizarre game of deception” – Dr. Jacques Vallee)

As far as “UFOs” are concerned, Dr. Jacques Vallee may be right.Please CLICK the following LINK and READ the following important item:


And, in connection to this topic, please watch:

Click the following to see the introduction to the documentary film THE ALIEN INTRUSION, which was released in January, 2018:


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See Norio Hayakawa’s YouTube Videos