Still unsolved – – UFO over New York State 1984

Only the “V”-shaped object in the following video were admitted to be light planes flying in formation – – 6 pilots at a local airport did about 18 night-time “missions” and flew in formation, sometimes without lights – – this hoax fooled at least some of the witnesses.

However, the other formation in the video still remains unsolved!!:


The U.S. Air Force has never built any humongous triangular aircraft or boomerang-shaped craft  (such as three or four times the size of a football field)  that can hover absolutely silently or maneuver silently and as slow as 10 to 15 miles per hour in the sky.

Absolutely not.

It’s pure science fiction.

In fact there is not a single credible photo of any US-made humongous flying triangular craft, so far.


We do not know for sure.

Moreover, who is to say that they are not temporarily manifested, paraphysically induced and temporarily materialized phenomenon created by some unknown sentient entities from another dimension, for reasons yet unknown?



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Amazing flying saucer incident in Dulce, New Mexico in the late 1960s

According to a testimony given by former Dulce, New Mexico resident Darren Vigil Gray, it was in the late 1960s that this amazing incident took place on Hwy 64 between Dulce and Lumberton.

At that time Darren was a fourth grader on the Jicarilla Apache reservation in northern Rio Arriba County.

At around 6:30 a.m. that particular morning, he claims he saw a flying saucer on his way to a parochial school which was located in nearby Lumberton.

A “dirty metallic colored” disk about 20 feet in diameter passed about 50 feet in the air over his school bus between Dulce and Lumberton, he said.

“It created all this chaos on the bus,” Gray said.  He said his brother, then a sixth-grader, yelled, “It’s a flying saucer!”,  but the priest driving the van didn’t stop to investigate the phenomenon and instead stepped on the gas.

Gray said the disk appeared to come from Archuleta Mesa and continued for several miles over the low hills south of the highway.

He said cattle mutilations soon began to be reported in the same area, and the mesa was said to be a sort of UFO base.

“The experience really changed my whole scope,” said Gray, now a well-known artist in Santa Fe:

This incident was also confirmed by a former Dulce rancher Edmund Gomez, who was also among more than a dozen students in that school bus:

(The Gomez family had the largest ranch in the Dulce area at that time.  Beginning around 1975, the Gomez family began to report many incidents of cattle mutilations in their ranch, which were soon investigated by State Patrol Officer Gabe Valdez, who was assigned by the State of New Mexico to find out what was actually happening.

To this date, the cattle mutilation incidents in the Dulce area of those years still remain unsolved.  – – both Edmund Gomez and the late Gabe Valdez have expressed their belief that it was the government, and not the aliens, that were perpetrating these incidents and that it may have had something to do with the government’s attempt to covertly investigate the radiation effects on local cattle resulting from the 1967 underground nuclear experiment – Project Gasbuggy, December 10, 1967 –  which took place about 22 miles southwest of Dulce):

But, getting back to that incident involving a “flying saucer” in Dulce, Edmund Gomez stated that he was also in that bus and was a witness.

“There were more than a dozen students riding in that bus”,  he stated.

This incident was mentioned in Albuquerque Journal by Tom Sharp on April 5, 1996:



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Dulce, New Mexico family victimized by “domestic terrorism” – – it wasn’t UFOs, it wasn’t Aliens, it was the “Government” that perpetrated it

by R. Edmund Gomez – – Dulce, New Mexico:

“Today, June 13, 2017 marks the 41st anniversary of the first livestock mutilation we experienced on our ranch in and around Dulce, New Mexico.

This is the day that changed not only my life, but that of my family as well.

We did not choose to enter into this evil phenomenon as those who have chosen to do so, in most cases profiting, without assuming risk of any kind.

We were brought into this dilemma by direct criminal loss of our livestock.

In the subsequent years from 1976 to 1985, dad and I lost 20 lactating beef cows, their calves, two yearling bulls and a yearling filly to these mutilators.

Since we were doing business with my grandfather, replacement of the cattle was imminent.

In addition, we lost 19 two-year old pregnant heifers that suddenly just died over a two week period after the Jicarilla Tribal Police spotted an unidentified (military?) aircraft hovering over our herd on April 8, 1982.

Lab reports were inconclusive and only indicated the presence of an unknown strain of Bacillus sp. (a possible cousin to anthrax?).


Total losses at that time mounted to over $100,000; over $225,000 in today’s market.

Over the years, many law enforcement personnel as well as self-proclaimed animal mutilation experts have claimed to have solved the case.

To date, not one has moved forward with a criminal investigation case to prosecute the domestic terrorists that have plagued our family and the many other ranchers and farmers in the US who have fallen victim to these cowards.

Many of these individuals, who have taken the oath “to protect and serve”, have only profited from our misfortune and have downplayed the severe financial losses and emotional strain we have endured over these past 41 years, as well as our civil rights being violated in unspeakable ways.

We have become “the victims” of domestic terrorism and continue to do so!

Throughout these years, we have also been infiltrated by “investigators” who we thought were honest and sincere, but later turned out to be again, self-interested, for one reason or another, and in my opinion, several were and have been placed by “unknown” entities to gather information or provide disinformation.

Based on our trust in humanity and our humble upbringing, we invited many of these individuals into our homes and shared our thoughts to later find that we had been used and abused and continue to be abused.

I have found it amazing how these individuals who arrived within the past few years question the authenticity of the Gomez family experience and have replaced truth with fantasy in an effort to move their agenda and profits forward.

Several of these individuals have had the audacity to overlook the true victims of the livestock mutilations in Dulce and replaced them with unsubstantiated accusations and fictitious victims.

What I have learned over the years is to trust no one and be extremely cautious of those that show an uncanny personal interest in you and the Dulce phenomena.”



It seems very likely to me that the government desperately tried to turn this whole matter  into an “alien conspiracy” scenario.

But realists such as the Gomez family, kept their belief that it was the government, and not the aliens who were the perpetrators of these criminal activities.

Was the government during those years conducting some type of biowarfare experiments?

Or, was the government monitoring the radiation levels and effects on certain, pre-selected cattle in the that area?

We do not know the answer.

By the way, here are some very important points noted by Greg Valdez, author of  ‘DULCE BASE‘  in regards to the cattle mutilations in Dulce, New Mexico, from the mid 1970s to the early 1990s:

“If the government went to local ranchers and purchased cattle to use for testing purposes, the first question any rancher would ask is, “Why are you testing my cattle?”.

And more importantly, “Who contaminated them?

It would have caused a tremendous uproar in the surrounding communities.

The government has a long history of incompetent decision making, but they are smart enough to avoid a lawsuit, especially when the evidence shows that they created the contamination in the first place (in this case in Dulce, New Mexico), i.e. Project Gasbuggy  (the Atomic Energy Commission’s experiment involving underground detonation of nuclear device 22 miles southwest of Dulce on December 10, 1967, ostensibly to ease the flow of natural gas in the region but which later apparently caused radiation leaks in the surrounding environment, affecting animals and even some residents, including the Dulce area).

Please read these quotes from an excellent book entitled MIRAGE MEN, written by Mark Pilkington:


Back in the 1970sValdez’s investigation had focused on the ranch of Manuel Gomez, whose cattle had suffered particularly badly; alongside dead and mutilated animals he’d found caterpillar tracks, bits of paper, measuring tools, syringes, needles and a gas mask.  One site was covered with radar-reflecting chaff, some of it stuffed into the dead cow’s mouth.  Some of the animals had broken bones and what appeared to be rope marks on their limbs, suggesting that they had been hoisted up then dropped back on to the ground.  Whoever was doing this to the cattle, they were organized, and human.

As in Montana, the mutilations coincided with a rash of UFO sightings, and Valdez   [i.e.,Gabe Valdez, State Patrol officer in charge of Dulce for many years, being appointed by the State in 1979 to investigate criminal activities in the Dulce area, including “cattle mutilations”]   and his fellow officers had several close shaves with strange flying machines.  On one occasion Valdez’s team cornered an orange light in a field; as they approached, the light went out.  Then, although they could see nothing, they heard a muffled sound like a lawnmower engine pass over their heads.  Another time Valdez and two colleagues ducked beneath an object that he described as disc-shaped, rotor-less, and dazzlingly bright.  Valdez described the noise it made as it flew over them as ‘put-put- putting’ or ‘ticking’ – hardly the sound of advanced alien technology.

The intensity of the mutilations around Dulce had also drawn the interest of Howard Burgess, a retired Sandia Labs scientist, and one night in July 1975 he, Valdez and Gomez, the ranch-owner, followed a hunch to see whether or not humans really were behind the attacks.  By shining an ultraviolet lamp on to the backs of a sample of a hundred cattle, the trio found that some of them had been marked with a substance that showed up only under ultraviolet light.  The marked cattle were all between one and three years old and came from a particular breed: the same one as the dead animals found on Gomez’s land.  Gomez quickly sold off all the animals that fitted the mutilation profile.

Based on their discovery, the three men pieced together a modus operandi.  The selected cattle were being marked with water-soluble UV paint containing potassium and magnesium; this suggested that the marking was done quite soon before the operation was to take place.  Under cover of darkness, whatever aircraft that the team employed would fly over the region and identify the marked animals using a blacklight beam that was invisible to any observers.  The selected animal was tranquillized, probably from the air with a rifle, and then the mutilation operation was performed, either on the ground or, as Valdez believed, after the victim had been hauled to another location – hence the rope marks on some of them.  Valdez told us that the mutilators had their surgery-cum-laboratory in one of many disused mine shafts on top of the Archuleta Mesa.  Their grisly work over, they then returned the animal to the pastures, mutilated and drained of blood, to be found by an unlucky rancher.

Although Valdez’s enthusiasm for the subject was clear, so was his anxiety; at one point he hinted to us that he had found the entrance to a military facility on top of the Mesa, but he quickly backed away from the subject when asked for more information.  Valdez clammed up like this a few times, as if he felt he’d said something he shouldn’t.  We later learned that there was good reason for his hesitance: while conducting his investigations back in the 1970s he’d become convinced that he was under surveillance, a suspicion borne out by the discovery of a microphone ‘bug’ in his telephone handset.


By the way, it was found later on that the entire Gomez’s home had been bugged likewise by all types of listening devices.



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By the way, here is an interesting short film of four military helicopters flying one after another by the Archuleta Mesa in Dulce, New Mexico, filmed by resident Lorene Willis in 2017:

Please also click and read my following article:




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If you want a peek at the future, try looking at Japan – – you may not like what you see

Japan needs more people – – its citizens are aging and the workforce is shrinking – – the government wants to bring in thousands of “semi-skilled” foreign workers – – it’s potentially a watershed moment in the closed nation – – the far-right Japan First Party is one of the most vocal opponents of the plan – – they are often outnumbered by activists accusing them of racism and hate speech.

by Robert Samuelson, THE WASHINGTON POST – – June 12, 2019:

If you want a peek at the future, try looking at Japan.  It’s a sobering exercise.  Here’s how economist Timothy Taylor, managing editor of the Journal of Economic Perspectives, describes the country’s outlook:

“Japan is facing a situation of a declining population and workforce, and the share of the population that is elderly is on the rise.  This is driving up government spending on pensions and health care, and together with attempts to stimulate its economy through government spending (much of it on infrastructure), Japan has run up an enormous government debt.”

To put it bluntly (as I have argued before):

Japan is slowly going out of business;  its population is shrinking and it resists immigration.  This cannot continue indefinitely.

What is significant about Japan’s situation is that it’s shared, to a greater or lesser extent, by most of the world’s advanced countries.  Birthrates are depressed;  economies are expanding slowly, if at all;  and debt burdens are high and often growing.

You may recall, or not, that in the late 1980s, Japan was widely expected to overtake the United States as the world’s leading economy.  Japanese firms also increasingly dominated old-line manufacturing industries (steel, autos) as well as new high-technologies (electronics).

What a difference a few decades make!  Japan’s economy, though huge, remains the world’s third largest, behind the United States and China.  But it is no longer the envy of the world.  Many practices admired in the 1980s are less so today.

The biggest problem is the nation’s aging.  A new report on Japan from the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) — quoted by Taylor and posted on his useful blog, the Conversable Economist — reports this astounding fact:  Half of Japanese children born in 2007 are expected to live to 107.

Meanwhile, Japanese births have slumped.  The total fertility rate — the number of children women are expected to have during their lifetimes — was only 1.4 in 2016, compared with an OECD average of 1.7. (A fertility rate of about 2.1 is needed for a population to replace itself.)  Deaths have exceeded births since 2007, and the population is “expected to decline by 8.2 million in the 2030s, the equivalent of losing Tokyo.”

Naturally, there are spillovers.  Based on present trends, the labor force will drop 25 percent by 2050, while the relationship between working-age Japanese (20-64) and the 65-and-older population shifts sharply.  There are now two working-age Japanese for everyone 65 and older;  by 2050, that ratio is projected to fall to 1.3 working-age Japanese for each elderly person.

What this describes is an economic doomsday machine.  The increasing number of older Japanese has already put enormous pressures on the government’s budget.  Since 1991, public social spending — mainly for retirement pensions, health care and long-term care — has doubled as a share of gross domestic product, from 11 percent of gross domestic product to 22 percent of GDP in 2018.

The mounting deficit spending has in turn ballooned Japan’s government debt to 226 percent of GDP — “the highest ever recorded in the OECD area” and roughly twice the U.S. level.  But efforts to reduce the deficits by cutting spending or raising taxes risk squeezing the incomes of younger workers and discouraging them from having more children.

Of course, Japan’s imbalanced population could be rectified through more immigration.  But this has never been popular in a country with such a strong sense of its own identity.  True, the number of foreign workers doubled from 700,000 in 2013 to 1.46 million in 2018.  Still, that was only 2 percent of Japan’s labor force.  The share of foreign residents was only 1.9 percent of Japan’s population in 2017, while the OECD average was 13 percent.

The ultimate cures for Japan’s ills are obvious:  Women should have more children;  people should work longer;  economic growth should be accelerated.  Despite some small improvements, all have been impossible to achieve.

Whether Japan can find its way out of this box is uncertain.  There are good reasons (politically) to do nothing and weak reasons (substantively) to do something.  Many advanced countries, including the United States, face similar — though less severe — problems. “The rest of the world will be watching,” says the OECD.  It may not like what it sees.




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The Pentagon’s UFOs – – how a Multimedia Entertainment Company created a UFO news story

by Robert Sheaffer, June 6, 2019, The SKEPTIC Magazine:


On December 16, 2017, the New York Times published “Glowing Auras and Black Money—The Pentagon’s Mysterious U.F.O. Program,” a now-famous article about the previously unknown Pentagon UFO study program, as reported by TO THE STARS ACADEMY  (TTSA).  It was founded by a rock musician named Tom DeLonge, formerly of the band Blink-182, who describes TTSA as an “independent multimedia entertainment company.”  This set off a media UFO frenzy that still continues.

(ABOVE, Tom DeLonge, establisher of TTSA and Luis Elizondo, who works for TTSA)

To show how little TTSA’s people understand about what they are doing, the so-called “glowing auras” surrounding the objects in the widely circulated video shot by a military jet represent nothing more than a processing artifact of the infrared image.  But TTSA’s “experts,” as well as those who look up to them, don’t realize that obvious fact and think instead that it represents something deeply mysterious.

Most people didn’t notice that Leslie Kean, one of the authors of this piece, is a dedicated UFO promoter who has written a popular UFO book.  She is also very gullible, at one point promoting a video of a fly buzzing around as if it were some great proof of high-performance UFOs.  (And she still has not admitted that she was fooled by the fly.)

(CLICK ABOVE FOR ENLARGEMENT – – Leslie Kean and Christopher Mellon, both ardent supporters of TTSA)

Another author of the article, Ralph Blumenthal, has also been a UFO believer for years.  So this was not the customary news article written by New York Times journalists assigned to investigate a mystery and write an objective story.      Instead, it was crafted by UFO believers to appear neutral and objective when it is anything but.

Now the other shoe has dropped.  On May 26, 2019 the New York Times carried another article by Helene Cooper, Ralph Blumenthal and Leslie Kean – – the same three authors as the earlier piece – – headlined “Wow, what is that?’  Navy Pilots Report Unexplained Flying Objects.” They write:

The strange objects, one of them like a spinning top moving against the wind, appeared almost daily from the summer of 2014 to March 2015, high in the skies over the East Coast. Navy pilots reported to their superiors that the objects had no visible engine or infrared exhaust plumes, but that they could reach 30,000 feet and hypersonic speeds. “These things would be out there all day,” said Lt. Ryan Graves, an F/A-18 Super Hornet pilot who has been with the Navy for 10 years.

One seriously wonders why, if unknown objects were supposedly seen “almost daily” for nearly a year, and hung around “all day,” we don’t have overwhelming video, photographic, and instrumental evidence of them, removing all doubt about their appearance and behavior?  In reality, all we see are the same three blurry infrared videos promoted by TTSA, over and over again.  This makes no sense at all.  Doesn’t the Navy have any cameras, radar and other surveillance equipment?

As for the so-called “Tic Tac” video of 2004, serious fault lines are starting to appear in the differing accounts of various persons involved.  David Fravor is the pilot who was vectored to the supposed location of the Tic Tac UFO but didn’t see anything in the air at that location.  Looking down, he saw a disturbance in the water, which he presumed was caused by the object that apparently had just been airborne.  Of course, it is a big assumption that the two must necessarily be the same.

Fravor spoke at the recent UFO Fest in McMinnville, Oregon  (held annually to honor the famous Trent UFO Photos, taken just outside that town).  Reporter George Knapp and documentary filmmaker Jeremy Corbell were also on the panel.

(New York Times Magazine writer Mark Jacobson once aptly described George Knapp, above, as a “debonair raconteur“)*

“Knapp’s an  ‘investigative reporter’  when it suits him, but a shill for frauds and charlatans like Lazar, Lear, and Elizondo when there is a buck to be made.” – – a quote from Duke in Dreamland Resort

Fravor sharply criticized the accounts of certain other people who were involved and have been speaking about the incident.  He seemed to be singling out the account of the radar operator, Kevin Day, as being non-factual.  He dismissed claims of Air Force personnel coming on board the Nimitz and confiscating evidence as being untrue.  Fravor also referred to Dave Beaty’s “Nimitz UFO Encounters” documentary as a “cartoon.”  This prompted Knapp to say to Fravor, “I guess you’re being diplomatic, but some of the stories and claims that have been made by people, who may have been on those ships, are just bullshit.”  When people began commenting about these remarkable disagreements, Corbell pulled the video off YouTube.

There was little that was new or unexpected in the long-anticipated May 31 premiere of the series “Unidentified” on the History Channel.  Produced by Tom DeLonge, whose efforts have more or less dominated UFO news for the past two years, it repeated the same claims that I and others have have already written about many times.  Sandwiched between episodes of “Ancient Aliens,” the first of six episodes of “Unidentified” concentrated on the “Tic Tac” UFO.  Here are a few things about that episode that I found to be misleading or incorrect:

Much is made of the fact that reports were generated by highly trained military pilots, some with combat experience.  The implication is that their observations are far more credible than those of just ordinary folks. But longtime UFO researchers recall that Dr. J. Allen Hynek, the former U. S. Air Force Project Blue Book scientific consultant, wrote “Surprisingly, commercial and military pilots appear to make relatively poor witnesses” (The Hynek UFO Report, 1977, p. 271).  The pilot is, and must be, focused on keeping the aircraft safely aloft, and not on watching some strange-looking object.

The Pentagon did not “disclose” or “release” anything about UFOs.  This whole “disclosure” line came about from statements by TTSA’s Luis Elizondo and others, and not from any internal Pentagon activity.  The Defense Department’s Advanced Aerospace Threat Identification Program (AATIP) came about because multimillionaire investor  (and longtime UFO believer)  Robert Bigelow, a frequent campaign contributor to Sen. Harry Reid, prevailed upon Reid, then the Democratic leader in the Senate, to set up the AATIP program. AATIP then funneled $22 million in contracts to Bigelow’s company (because that’s how things are done in Washington).  The only thing that AATIP is known to have produced are 38 papers in weird physics, like anti-gravity, wormholes, and negative mass propulsion.

“Believe as you wish, but the guy was a basically a pass through, a contract monitor, for a $4-5M/year program payed for with Congressional plus-up funds.  The project was an earmark by Harry Reid to his buddy/supporter Bigelow, with Elizondo being a glorified clerk.  He even admitted one night with Knapp ATTIP was not a full time job, just one of several projects he managed, and he had no dedicated staff.  Small dollar, cats & dogs projects in a basket program office.

In the DoD, $5M/year is round up error.  I had 2Lts work for me who managed programs worth more than that.  I have no doubt he was the PoC/focal point for the program, but he was a paper pusher who did not investigate anything himself” – –  a quote from Duke of Dreamland Resort)

TTSA has claimed from its inception that the Pentagon released the three blurry infrared videos that they ceaselessly show us.  They claim to have “chain of custody” documentation for the videos, but nobody has ever seen this documentation.  Elizondo recently released to George Knapp, a reporter friendly to TTSA (and it seems to anybody else making UFO claims) a copy of a document purporting to show the videos’ release.  But a careful analysis by John Greenewald of The Black Vault shows beyond any doubt that the document does not prove what Elizondo claims it does.  Greenewald notes,

We have no proof of any [official Pentagon] release, let alone what is being touted [the videos] is even the same evidence connected to this DD Form 1910.  If we see a blatant disregard for the truth by Mr. Elizondo on display with this DD Form 1910, and we see the same disregard for the truth by TO THE STARS ACADEMY as they have touted documents proving a public release—how can we believe everything or anything else from the same sources?

In the first episode, Luis Elizondo spoke again about his “five observables”, which I wrote about September of 2018. One of them was “Instantaneous acceleration,” supposedly shown by the Tic Tac UFO’s rapid disappearance from the IR video.  In a preview segment from “Unidentified” shown on Fox News, TTSA’s Chris Cooke attributes this movement to the object itself.  Elizondo has made this claim in his lectures many times. In reality, back in December, 2017 Mick West of the excellent site Metabunk showed that the “sudden acceleration” of the object was, in fact, due to a change in the zoom factor of the camera at that point. Surprisingly, Cooke’s comment about “acceleration” was cut from the final show; instead, Cooke is heard to say “Somebody changed the zoom.”  But Elizondo repeated the ‘instantaneous acceleration’ claim on Tucker Carlson’s show on Fox news just a few hours before the series premiere.  As for the other four “observables,” they are more accurately called “assumables” than “observables”.

One recent development that is significant, and is not mentioned on the program or by TTSA:  According to an article in The Drive by Joseph Trevithick and Tyler Rogoway:

the Times’ story doesn’t mention that between 2014 and 2015, Graves and Accoin, and all the other personnel assigned to Carrier Air Wing One (CVW-1) and the Nimitz-class aircraft carrier USS Theodore Roosevelt, as well as everyone else in the associated carrier strike group, or CSG, were taking part in series of particularly significant exercises.  The carrier had only returned to the fleet after major four-year-long overhaul, also known as a Refueling and Complex Overhaul (RCOH), in August 2013.  This process included installing various upgrades, such as systems associated with the latest operational iteration of the Navy’s Cooperative Engagement Capability (CEC) and its embedded Naval Integrated Fire Control-Counter Air (NIFC-CA) architecture.  This is a critical detail. When the Nimitz Carrier Strike Group encountered the Tic Tac in 2004, it was in the midst of the first ever CSG-level operations of the initial iteration of the CEC.

In other words, in 2004 the Nimitz Carrier Strike Group got its radar upgrade, and soon was reporting “unidentified objects”, including the Tic Tac.  In 2014-15, Carrier Air Wing One got its radar upgrade, and soon they, too, were reporting UFOs galore.  One could interpret this to mean that the radars had finally gotten powerful enough to detect the UFOs that had long been knocking about.  But a more prudent interpretation is that the radars had gotten powerful enough to begin detecting birds, small balloons, insect clouds, ice crystals, windborne debris, and various other things found in the atmosphere.  Arguing in favor of the latter interpretation is that these radars are apparently no longer detecting anomalous objects, which itself is extremely significant.  It suggests that, in all likelihood, after being puzzled by anomalous objects appearing on the new radar, the operators finally figured out what was happening, and no longer are troubled by anomalies.

And in a last-minute bombshell, reporter Keith Kloor finally did what reporters are supposed to do, and ask tough questions about persons in the news making claims.  Writing in The Intercept on June 1, Kloor’s piece is headlined “The Media loves the UFO expert who says he worked for an obscure Pentagon program.  Did he?


The Pentagon’s UFOs How a Multimedia Entertainment Company created a UFO news story

Here is a comment from Jim Oberg:

June 5, 2019 at 7:21 am

The ‘5 observables’ allegedly demonstrated by the bizarre events reported by Navy pilots are NOT ‘observations’, they are INTERPRETATIONS of what the raw observations might mean.  What IS ‘observable’ is that the author of the list knows less than zero about the proper function of a military intelligence officer or any investigator of unknown causes of eyewitness perceptions, which is to observe and record, NOT to interpret or explain.  To jump to such interpretations preemptively is a notorious intellectual fallacy that REAL investigators have learned must be avoided because once formulated, an explanatory theory can subconsciously flavor the interpretation of new evidence, and even skew the direction of follow-on research, and through lines of questioning, even skew the memories of direct witnesses.  As NTSB accident investigators know, pilots are among the MOST susceptible witnesses to memory editing, probably because of their entirely proper professional instinct to reach fast assessments of unusual observations in terms of potential hazard to themselves.  This is a very valuable bias in terms of flight safety, at the cost of dispassionate intellectual curiosity.



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A UFO opportunist? – – Luis Elizondo, a UFO “expert” who says he worked for an obscure Pentagon program – – did he?

by Keith Kloor, June 1, 2019 – – THE INTERCEPT


One of the first images in the opening episode of the new HISTORY CHANNEL show “Unidentified – – Inside America’s UFO Investigation” is a 2017 headline from the New York Times projected on a flickering screen: “Glowing Auras and ‘Black Money’ – – The Pentagon’s Mysterious UFO Program.”

It’s the story that launched Luis Elizondo into the public eye, the article that “shocked the world,” the narrator of “Unidentified” declares, before continuing, “A clandestine U.S. government program had been investigating UFOs.  For eight years, the secret program was run by this man, Luis Elizondo.”  The camera then pans to a visual of the former military intelligence case officer in a darkened house peering out warily through half-drawn window shades.

It’s an odd scene.  Is Elizondo on the lookout for aliens or a bad guy from his old spook life?  Either way, the HISTORY CHANNEL show, which premiered on Friday and is being promoted as “groundbreaking nonfiction,” goes on to follow Elizondo as he re-investigates strange UFO incidents he says he learned of when he was at the Pentagon running the Advanced Aerospace Threat Identification Program, known as AATIP.  It’s as if Agent Mulder had handed off his X-Files to another paranoid government agent, this one with a pug face and billy-goat beard.  In the screener I saw for “Unidentified,” the narrator says that Elizondo quit the Pentagon because he was “frustrated by what he says was a cover-up.”

Whatever the truth about otherworldly UFOs  (cue a collective eye-roll from scientists),  there is one crucial detail missing from “Unidentified,” as well as from all the many stories that have quoted Elizondo since he outed himself nearly two years ago to a wide-eyed news media: There is no discernible evidence that he ever worked for a government UFO program, much less led one.

Yes, AATIP existed, and it “did pursue research and investigation into unidentified aerial phenomena,” Pentagon spokesperson Christopher Sherwood told me.  However, he added: “Mr. Elizondo had no responsibilities with regard to the AATIP program while he worked in OUSDI  (the Office of Under Secretary of Defense for Intelligence),  up until the time he resigned effective 10/4/2017.”

That directly contradicts an email sent by a spokesperson for TO THE STARS ACADEMY OF ARTS & SCIENCE, a UFO research and entertainment company that Elizondo joined after he left the Defense Department.

There is no discernible evidence that Luis Elizondo ever worked for a government UFO program, much less led one.

The email was sent over a year ago by Kari DeLonge  (rock musician Tom DeLonge’s sister), a public relations representative for TO THE STARS, to John Greenewald, a UFO researcher who runs an online archive of Freedom of Information Act-obtained government documents on a website called the Black Vault.  At the time, Greenewald had become frustrated at the lack of tangible information about AATIP and Elizondo’s role; additionally, Elizondo had spurned Greenewald’s interview requests.

Greenewald told me that he had asked DeLonge specifically where Elizondo worked within the Department of Defense when he ran AATIP.

By the way, click and read about:


“Hi John – Thanks for reaching out,” DeLonge wrote.  “The program was initially run out of (the Defense Intelligence Agency) but when Luis took it over in 2010 as Director, he ran it out of the Office for the Secretary of Defense (OSD) under the Under Secretary of Defense for Intelligence (USDI).  Hope that clarifies.”

I tried contacting Elizondo multiple times via email and his cellphone.  He has not responded.  It’s not as if he is on retreat somewhere; I noticed that in the run-up to his star turn on the new HISTORY CHANNEL show, he has been speaking to everyone from the New York Times to UFO media personalities and military bloggers.

Indeed, judging by all the UFO stories lighting up the internet this week, the self-described “career spy” is having another big moment in the media spotlight.  The timing is either an auspicious coincidence or the “flying saucers are here” brigade’s well-oiled PR machine is working overtime.

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Luis Elizondo, former DIA employee and another “supposed” government authority on UFOs

Another important detail being glossed over or entirely left out of the breathless coverage surrounding the release of “Unidentified” is the relationship between its executive producer, Tom DeLonge, Elizondo, and other former Pentagon officials and members of the intelligence community who appear in the show.

(ABOVE – – Luis Elizondo and Rock musician Tom DeLonge, establisher of TO THE STARS ACADEMY OF ARTS AND SCIENCE, primarily an entertainment company, promoting belief in UFOs)

DeLonge, a musician of Blink-182 fame and longtime UFO enthusiast, is the co-founder and interim CEO of TO THE STARS, the company Elizondo joined in October 2017, several days after he resigned from the Department of Defense.  Since the company’s inception, certain members of its “elite team,” including Elizondo, have appeared frequently in the news media.

This week is a prime example.  Another former Pentagon official with a prominent role in “Unidentified” appeared several days ago on “Fox & Friends.”

“We know that UFOs exist,” Chris Mellon, a deputy assistant secretary of defense for intelligence in the Clinton and George W. Bush administrations, pronounced on the show.  “This is no longer an issue.  The issue is why are they here?  Where are they coming from?  And what is the technology behind these devices that we are observing?”

Mellon, like Elizondo, works for TO THE STARS  (his title, according to the company’s website, is national security affairs adviser).  “Fox & Friends” neglected to mention this connection, along with the fact that the HISTORY CHANNEL show was made by the company Elizondo and Mellon work for.

I’m not surprised.  By now, Elizondo and Mellon have come to rely on a largely passive and credulous press to generate sensational UFO headlines.

Amid the mountain of media coverage of Elizondo in the last two years, I have found only one story that provides official confirmation that he headed the government UFO program known as AATIP.

“Pentagon spokeswoman Dana White confirmed to POLITICO that the program existed and was run by Elizondo,” Bryan Bender wrote in December 2017.  (Earlier this year, White, a Trump administration political appointee, resigned amid an internal probe into charges of misconduct.)

But Pentagon spokesperson Christopher Sherwood told me that he “cannot confirm” White’s statement.

As it happens, Bender, who is POLITICO’s defense editor, had a recurring role in the first episode of “Unidentified.”  He appeared on camera numerous times as a kind of authoritative character witness for Elizondo, Mellon, and their UFO investigations.

“If you were trying to come up with the A-team of former, high-level government officials who would come forward on this issue, you can’t really think of a better team,” Bender says in the screener.  “Luis Elizondo, Chris Mellon — these guys still have security clearances, still have networks in Washington, still are in the business, if you will.”

“We know that UFOs exist.  This is no longer an issue.  The issue is why are they here?  Where are they coming from? And what is the technology behind these devices that we are observing?”

That last part sounds like a cryptic reference to contract work they might be doing for a U.S. intelligence agency or some other government entity.  Elizondo confirmed to me earlier this year that he is, in fact, working as a government contractor, “but it’s not what you think it is,” he said.  Mellon did not respond to my request for comment.

In the feverish UFO community, in which conspiracy theories have long thrived like a mutating virus (sometimes with good reason), some suspect that DeLonge is being played like a useful idiot — and that his TO THE STARS ACADEMY is a front for some kind of black ops project.

If he is not a stooge, he is certainly an odd figure for Mellon and Elizondo to hitch their wagons to.

In fact, the whole origin story of TO THE STARS, which DeLonge recapped in a bizarre public rollout in October 2017 and in an even more bizarre interview with podcast host Joe Rogan, is pretty bananas.  In sum, DeLonge claims that he is the military’s chosen vessel for UFO disclosure.

“Why you?” Rogan asked on his podcast. “What could you do?”

“Communication,” DeLonge responded.  “They don’t have a way to make a movie, a book.  They don’t have a way to go on a show like this.”

It’s worth noting that, several years before DeLonge took on this momentous communications assignment, he created a website called STRANGE TIMES that was essentially a clearinghouse for UFO news and conspiracies.  “Think of it as a Huffington Post for the tin-foil-helmet wearing crowd,” wrote one music blogger.

Somehow, we are to believe that this is the mindset with which staid former members of the military and intelligence community sought to join forces.  But perhaps there’s a more innocent answer.  TO THE STARS, which raised more than $2 million from investors, was originally hyped as a UFO research company that would explore the “outer edges of science,” but its Security and Exchange Commission filing identifies it as a “Motion Picture & Video Tape Production” concern.

That designation seems appropriate now with the making of “Unidentified,” which lists DeLonge as executive producer. (He is also prominently featured in the show.)  He appears to be having the last laugh at everyone who called him looney tunes for having chased after Bigfoot and flying saucers in the Nevada desert.

The Advanced Aerospace Threat Identification Program received widespread press coverage after Elizondo disclosed its existence almost two years ago.  “You can laugh if you want, but a lot of people are taking this revelation seriously,” Brett Baer said on Fox News days after the New York Times broke the story with its lavish front-page Sunday spread on December 17, 2017.

Virtually overnight, Elizondo went from living “in the shadows,” in his words, to hopscotching between cable news studios, where he talked gravely about  hypersonic, gravity-defying “unidentified aerial vehicles” that, in recent years, had encroached on military training areas in restricted airspace.  Many of these reports were conveniently illustrated with videos taken from cockpit cameras of F-18 fighter jets that Elizondo had arranged for the Pentagon to release just before he quit.   (Sherwood, the Pentagon spokesperson, said the videos were released “for research purposes … and not for general public release,” which seems a meaningless distinction given their widespread use by news organizations.)

Months later, after the attention from the mainstream media died down, Elizondo hit the UFO banquet circuit, where he stroked the egos of believers.  “People may have associated you with being fringe or out there,” he told one rapt audience of hundreds at a UFO conference last July.  “All along, you were right.”  It was the first public forum in which Elizondo laid out the history and objectives of the AATIP; soundbites from his talk were sprinkled throughout the first episode of “Unidentified.”

By then, though, longtime UFO researchers were having trouble finding out what the program exactly did, as well as the scope of Elizondo’s role.  FOIA requests were turning up dry.

The grainy footage of tiny, darting objects, combined with Elizondo’s earnest claims of “compelling evidence” for “phenomena” he couldn’t identify, made for great television.

Elizondo was ready for them.  “In the Department of Defense, there’s always a paper trail,” he told the audience at the UFO conference.  “When you establish an organization, there’s a paper trail.  When you dis-establish an organization, there’s a paper trail. You won’t find one for this program.”

Some dubious, unofficial documents leaked out to George Knapp, a Las Vegas TV journalist who, for decades, has been a fixture in the UFO media orbit.  Knapp has been a vocal defender of Elizondo and DeLonge for the past two years, pushing back on critics who have raised thorny questions about TO THE STARS.  Knapp also purchased stock in the company, something he has not always revealed to readers and viewers in his reporting.

(New York Times Magazine writer Mark Jacobson once aptly described George Knapp as a “debonair raconteur“)*

“Knapp’s an  ‘investigative reporter’  when it suits him, but a shill for frauds and charlatans like Lazar, Lear, and Elizondo when there is a buck to be made.” – – a quote from Duke in Dreamland Resort

In an email to The Intercept, Knapp acknowledged buying 400 shares of the academy’s stock in 2018, “not as an investment, but as a way to support their fledgling company and their work.”  He wrote that he had “made that information public” and “informed” his employer” at KLAS-TV in Las Vegas.  Knapp also said that he put the shares in a trust that “would be donated to a charity.”  He believes that transaction has been completed and that he now owns “zero stock” in the company, he wrote.

As it happens, Knapp also appeared in the first episode of “Unidentified,” lauding DeLonge for his “unprecedented” efforts in advancing the UFO issue.

Another fixture in the UFO orbit is John Greenewald, the FOIA researcher and a sort of antithesis to Knapp. Initially enthusiastic about To the Stars, Greenewald became increasingly skeptical when he was unable to verify many of Elizondo’s claims about the government’s UFO program through FOIA requests and conversations with Pentagon representatives.  So last year, Greenewald reached out to TO THE STARS spokesperson Kari DeLonge  (Tom’s sister)  for more information about Elizondo’s involvement in AATIP.

I mentioned Kari DeLonge’s response — about Elizondo having taken over AATIP and run it “out of the Office for the Secretary of Defense (OSD) under the Under Secretary of Defense for Intelligence (USDI)” — to Sherwood, the Pentagon spokesperson who had told me unequivocally that Elizondo “had no responsibilities with regard to the AATIP program while he worked in OUSDI.”

I then asked Sherwood how he knew that Elizondo hadn’t worked for AATIP during his time with the Office of the Under Secretary of Defense for Intelligence, where he was based from 2008 until his retirement in 2017.  Sherwood said he’d spoken with OUSDI leadership, including individuals who are “still there” from the time when Elizondo started working in the office.

Maybe Elizondo was running AATIP under the purview of another office or agency within the Department of Defense?  Sherwood acknowledged that Elizondo “worked for other organizations in DoD.”  But that, too, would have contradicted Kari DeLonge’s statement to Greenewald.

Kari DeLonge did not respond to multiple requests for comment.

It bears noting that, although Elizondo has made a point of providing various documents to reporters (including me) to establish his bona fides, he does not appear to have supplied any materials that validate his connection to the government UFO program he insists he led.  No memorandums, no emails discussing deliverables or findings, and no paperwork addressed to or from him that connects him to AATIP.

The documents he has provided include recent annual Defense Department performance evaluations and his October 4, 2017 resignation letter to then-Defense Secretary James Mattis, which bears the apparent seal of the Office of the Under Secretary of Defense. In the letter, Elizondo alludes to internal opposition at the Pentagon to investigate UFOs that he wrote had menaced Navy Pilots and posed an “existential threat to our national security.”  He was leaving, he strongly implied in his letter, because the Pentagon wasn’t taking that threat seriously.

The letter does not mention AATIP or Elizondo’s role as its director.

IN “Unidentified,” POLITICO’S Bender describes Elizondo as “in many ways, an enigma.  Here is a guy who spent decades in the intelligence community.”

That much appears to be true.  Elizondo retired as an official at the Office of the Under Secretary of Defense for Intelligence.  A public records search also reveals a series of home addresses for Elizondo over the last two decades that are close to intelligence facilities in Toa Baja, Puerto Rico (the site of an unacknowledged government surveillance program called “Echelon”) and in Grovetown, Georgia.

“Being from Georgia, I can assure you, there is no reason anyone in their right mind would live in Grovetown unless they were working at Fort Gordon, home of the Army’s principle signals intelligence units and school,” Tim McMillan, who, like Greenewald, has a longtime interest in UFOs but has  come to doubt Elizondo’s involvement with any government UFO program.

In 2017, when Elizondo outed himself to the Times, he was portrayed as a reluctant whistleblower and a little paranoid.  The three reporters who shared bylines on the story, including freelancer Leslie Kean (who wrote in 2016 that she was “privileged to welcome” Chris Mellon into the UFO organization to which she belonged) met Elizondo in a “nondescript Washington hotel where he sat with his back to the wall, keeping an eye on the door.”


On the Times’s podcast, “The Daily,” Helene Cooper, the newspaper’s Pentagon correspondent, described Elizondo as a “spooky, secretive guy” but added that he was “completely credible.”  He showed her documents, pictures, and military videos of potential UFOs, which appeared fantastic to her, but also persuasive.  “I did believe him,” Cooper said on the podcast. “It seemed completely credible to me in the moment.”

Later on, after she left the hotel room, Cooper acknowledged that doubts crept in.  In the end, though, she decided that what mattered most was whether the Pentagon’s UFO program was real.  That, she said, was the focus of the story.


*a comment by NH



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