Alien Conspiracy – – the largest gathering of people at Area 51 was held in 1998

Area 51 gathering 2

(CLICK EACH OF THE PHOTOS FOR ENLARGEMENT – – Above photo, courtesy of Joerg Arnu, was of the second rally which was held in 1999)

RACHEL, NEVADA, June 6, 1998…….Believers of an American plot to unite the world against “UFOs” say such a concept is being generated at Area 51 and the result will be a fascist rule similar to Germany under Adolf Hitler.

Area 51 gathering 3

by Joe Schoenmann, Las Vegas Review Journal, Sunday, June 7, 1998  (


RACHEL, NEVADA — For the 150 people gathered at sunrise Saturday near one of the most talked about classified military facilities in the world, “Area 51” is home not to alien UFOs but to a good old American conspiracy.

The alien-UFO story, most of them now say, is government-concocted propaganda designed to throw people off the real story behind Groom Lake, as the military prefers to call Area 51.

Area 51 gathering

(Above photo, courtesy of Joerg Arnu, was of the second rally which was held in 1999)

If they doubted themselves before they got to this roadstop 150 miles north of Las Vegas, they likely left more-convinced as the nearby rally fell under the steady gaze of federal park rangers, security guards on distant hills and unmanned cameras and microphones behind unmarked boundaries.

Assembled at 6 a.m. on the sixth day on the sixth month — symbolic admission to the devil’s work many said is being done here — they came from as far away as New York, Illinois and Oregon for the first People’s Rally.

Dave Bethke

(CLICK ABOVE FOR ENLARGEMENT – – Even though this 1998 event attracted only about 150 people, we were surprised that BLM Rangers participated, making sure that everyone was safe.  They even helped us with parking and made sure to alleviate the traffic on Groom Lake Rd. – – There was a large bus, as well as a large semi-truck.  We commended the BLM Rangers for their kind participation)

Dave Bethke 2

Organizer Norio Hayakawa, a funeral director from Gardena, Calif., called it a historic event that will grow.  His aim for the rally was to bring attention to the plight of 39 former workers who were denied in 1996 the right to sue the Air Force facility for harm they say they suffered from exposure to toxic chemicals.

Hayakawa speaks to protesters. Ralph Fountain photo.
Hayakawa speaks to protesters. Ralph Fountain photo.

“Three have passed away and the rest are still sick and not treated yet,” said Hayakawa, speaking with a bullhorn.  “We believe the workers have a right to be cured and treated for their diseases.”

He also proposed — and figured he was being listened to and recorded through the various devices propped on the hillsides — that the government create a fence around the base and a guard station at the fence.

“They have a $22 billion budget,” he said, referring to the “black budget” tax dollars that fund the research.  “So building a guard shack and fence should be no problem to them.”

While he tiptoed on the issue of the purpose of the research, he also cautioned that research at the base could be used against the American public.

“We believe they have a right to build weapons for the national defense,” Hayakawa said.  “But we believe they could also be used for surveillance on us in the near future.”

(I have to admit that in 1998 I was still very much into conspiracies)

(Photos, courtesy of Joerg Arnu, Dave Bethke and Gary Sellani)

His words drew early morning applause from the group, which included some insurance agents cum videographers from Las Vegas hoping to package their footage into a TV pilot, and New York Times columnist Phil Patton, who was mildly hawking his soon-to-be-published book, “Dreamland.”

There was also James Whisler, 30, a heavy-equipment mechanic from Battle Mountain, who is simply a devout Christian convinced that the billions of tax dollars spent at the base are not for the protection of America but for its enslavement.

He wants to save as many souls as possible before that happens.

Sitting Friday night in the Little A’Le’Inn Cafe on state Route 375 in Rachel — in the background Hayakawa plays country western music on his electric organ — Whisler exhausts himself and overwhelms listeners with a barrage of fact and belief that encompasses everything from the design of the nation’s capital to John Lennon’s song “Imagine” as proof that a one-world Luciferian government is the goal of elitist Americans.

“This,” he said of Groom Lake, “is preparation for a deception that will come upon the world.”

In a nutshell, Whisler believes that elitists known as the Illuminati control the United States through the Federal Reserve, and with their fingers on the nation’s purse strings, they are using tax dollars to design UFOs to terrorize the world for the distinct purpose of unifying it.

“Create a common enemy to unite people of the world,” he said.

Once it’s unified, the goal is to create a fascist rule, much like Germany under Adolf Hitler, he said.

“If you were to take over the world, this is how it would be done,” Whistler said.  “The population of the world will be reduced drastically very soon.”

Whisler wasn’t hateful in his delivery, just impassioned.

Syndicated radio talk show host Anthony Hilder showed more revulsion.  Wearing a magenta shirt and pants, he made a big impression in voicing his open distaste for the government under President Clinton.

“Can you imagine 100 Bill Clintons?” he asked, finishing a rapid-fire soliloquy on human cloning.  “It would be the establishment, literally, of hell on Earth.”

Another talk show host, Victor Camacho, arrived from Los Angeles with a bus load of listeners to his 1 to 5 a.m. radio program, “A Little of Everything.”  The group drove nine hours, stopping 30 minutes in Las Vegas, and got to the rally site at 2:15 a.m.

Mauricio Ramirez said he’s been interested in the UFOs since he saw one as a boy in Tampico, Mexico, 20 years ago.  He and the others planned to stay overnight Saturday and hike with Hayakawa today to a summit to view the base, which will be more than 20 miles away.

“I would like to see the base,” he said. “I would like some answers.”

Michael Schratt, 29, a draftsman from San Diego, was versed on the high-tech aircraft believed under construction at the facility.  He produced scale models of what he said were Air Force flying saucers and other craft built upon information gleaned from public documents.

Norio Hayakawa (2)

His ultimate interest is less apocalyptic than it is curiosity.  He wants to get into the base to see for himself what he’s only been allowed to imagine.

“I’d like those guys to just carry me in there,” said Schratt, looking up to a white security truck on a nearby hill.  “To get in, you’ve got to convince them you’ve got something that they need. That’s what I’m trying to find.”


As I stated earlier, I have to admit that in 1998 I was still very much into conspiracies:



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Also watch Norio Hayakawa’s YouTube Channel

A near-Doomsday in Albuquerque, New Mexico in 1957

(CLICK ABOVE FOR ENLARGEMENT – – “Ground Zero” impact area today at Mesa del Sol – photo, courtesy of Carl Willis – – by the way, this location has the best, panoramic view of the entire Manzano-Sandia Base, Albuquerque’s military test base since 1947!!)

A scary incident that took place right next to Kirtland Air Force Base in Albuquerque, New Mexico in 1957 – – for many years, this incident was hushed up.   Even today few folks in America know about this frightening, bone-chilling incident.

Special report by Les Adler for the Albuquerque Tribune (Thursday, January 20, 1994):


At 11:50 a.m. on May 22, 1957, I was a 15-year-old sophomore at Highland High School in Albuquerque when the city and a good portion of the surrounding region were nearly obliterated by the accidental detonation of a 10-megaton hydrogen bomb dropped on the outskirts of Kirtland Air Force Base.

First reported to the public in 1986, this early “broken arrow,” as such accidents were referred to in military jargon, became as much a historical “non-event” during the intervening Cold War decades as the recently exposed atmospheric radioactivity showers and radiation experiments.  Like these tests, it, too, was a product of what Sen. John Glenn has called “the Cold War frenzy which gripped our nation.”

Those of us living in the region had long known, and, indeed, were strangely proud of the fact, that Albuquerque was likely to be a major enemy military target due to the region’s role in the production, testing and storage of atomic and hydrogen weaponry.

Nearby Sandia Base, nestled in the foothills of the Manzano Mountains, was widely suspected of housing extensive underground storage facilities where much of the nation’s nuclear arsenal was guarded.  Electrified, barbed-wire double fences, patrolled by guard dogs, were clearly visible from the highway as one entered or left Albuquerque through Tijeras Canyon to the east.

(CLICK ABOVE FOR ENLARGEMENT – – photo taken by Norio Hayakawa)

Sixty miles to the northwest, the heavily guarded Atomic City of Los Alamos, creation site of the first atomic bombs and then, as now, a major national arms production laboratory, guaranteed our supremacy as a prime Soviet target.

For a town without major league credentials in any other fashion, this fact produced a certain cachet, particularly in an age of bomb shelters, civil defense programs and above ground bomb testing in nearby Nevada.

Year after year in public schools we practiced air-raid drills, dropping to the floor at the wailing of the alarm, huddling under our desks, eyes closed, heads down and covered by our arms so as not to he blinded by the flash of the incoming weapons.

With the irreverence of teen-age black humor, we short-handed our instructions to the essential and much more realistic message: ‘bend down, put your head between your knees and kiss your ass goodbye!”

On that particular day in May 1957, unknown to any of us, a huge B-36 bomber with a crew of 13 was preparing to land at Kirtland Air Force base.


On board, as recounted in John May’s “The Greenpeace Book of the Nuclear Age” and later interviews with surviving crewmen, was the Gold War’s ultimate product.  It was a 42,000-pound, 10-megaton hydrogen bomb – the largest weapon ever made in the world up to that time, and the first droppable thermonuclear device – traveling incognito under the code name of Mark 17.


The giant bomber, a mainstay of America’s Strategic Air Command forces, was commanded by veteran pilot Air Force Lt. Col. Richard Meyer with the mission of ferrying its deadly payload from Biggs Air Force Base in Texas to Albuquerque’s Kirtland field.

Standard operating procedure on all such flights called for the manual removal of the locking pin designed to prevent accidental in-flight release of bombs to allow emergency jettisoning of weapons, if necessary, during takeoffs and landings.

The awkward procedure required a crew member, usually the navigator, to climb into the bomb bay and lean over the body of the bomb at the start and end of each flight to set and later remove the large U-2 pin.  On May 22,1st Lt. Bob Carp was assigned the onerous task.

With the plane descending to 1,700 feet and making its final approach before landing at Kirtland, Carp began moving back toward the bomb.  As described years later by another crewman, the difficult job resulted in Carp hanging over the 25 foot long, steel-encased weapon, roughly the size and shape of a large whale, “literally by his toes” to retrieve the pin.  It was 11:49 a.m.

The plane was nearly four miles south of the airfield, and landing conditions were normal as Carp completed his stretch across the gleaming, rounded shape lying silent and inert in the plane’s belly.  Packed with the explosive power of more than 10 million tons of TNT, enough to destroy a dozen Hiroshimas or Moscows, this bomb and others like it, always in the air somewhere in the world awaiting coded attack signals, formed the foundation of America’s proclaimed military posture of “massive retaliation.”

What happened next is in dispute.  Previously published reports describe Carp reaching up to regain his balance and pull himself into the cockpit, and being unexpectedly jolted as the huge bomber bounced through a pocket of turbulent air.  Trying to avoid a fall, according to this version, he grabbed for the nearest hand-hold, a lever that immediately gave way under his weight, triggering a rapid succession of events: the giant bomb under his feet instantly sank, pulled free from its mooring and tore its way straight downward, directly through the closed bomb bay doors, ripping them away and opening a gaping, terrifying hole in the bottom of the plane; and the bomber itself; suddenly released from the weight of its 21-ton payload, bounded upward, gaining more than 1,500 feet of altitude in seconds before the startled pilot could regain control.

In a recent interview, however, Carp, now a businessman in San Francisco, has challenged the turbulence-fall scenario.  He asserts — as the one eyewitness to the entire event — that a “defectively designed” manual release mechanism had been accidentally pulled into release mode by a snag in his long cable, causing the bomb to drop the instant he pulled the pin.

There is agreement on what follows.

Bombs away!” reflexively screamed one nearby crewman, his eyes wide with shock as he peered in-to the newly opened void where the weapon and the man had been.  According to another witness, Electronics Operator Jack Resen, it was only a few seconds later that Carp, his face, “whiter than any sheet you ever saw,” slowly pulled himself out of the remaining bomb bay, yelling even above the deafening roar of jet engines and rushing air, “I didn’t touch anything! I didn’t touch anything!”

Radio Operator George Houston, seated nearby, alertly responded by sending a distress call to the Kirtland tower.  To the stunned operator, he reported the ominous news: “We’ve dropped a hydrogen bomb!

The bomb itself plummeted downward with frightening speed, the 1,700 foot drop far too short for its parachutes to slow its descent.  Long before the plane could pull away, the weapon smashed into the nearly barren mesa, (right next to the present-day Mesa del Sol community)  where a lone New Mexico cow peacefully munched sagebrush, oblivious to the source and immediacy of its own destruction.  There was an earth-shattering explosion as the weapon detonated.

The Cold War is now officially over.  Both the looming presence of the Soviet Union, which so terrified us in that era, and the imminence of nuclear war have vanished from the horizon.  More than 36 years have passed since that day in May 1957, when my classmates and I, unknowingly, were nearly vaporized by our own forces.

For most of the intervening years the American public knew nothing of what had happened, and, officially, of course, the event didn’t happen at all.

It was only in 1986 when an Albuquerque newspaper published an account based on military documents recovered through the Freedom of Information Act that the rest of us learned of this accident, and the many other Broken Arrows, both civilian and military, that occurred both at home and abroad.

If exposure of these events is the first step in understanding them, then a subsequent stage should be a frank admission by all of us that we knew and even tacitly approved of the conditions that brought about those near-misses and what we might more appropriately call “poisoned arrows,” the above-ground nuclear tests, the uranium mines and nuclear plants whose careless use contaminated our soil, ionized our atmosphere, poisoned our animals and even irradiated our own bodies.

And if we did not know of them, like the “good Germans” who did not know of the concentration camps, then why not?  What ferocious system of denial allowed us not to know, allowed us to shield ourselves from what should have been evident?  Who is there to blame in a democratic society, finally, but ourselves?

Even the military investigators assigned to the case assessed no blame to the Air Force officers involved in the accidental bombing of Albuquerque.

According to the investigation, Field Command, a division of the Armed Forces Special Weapons Project, conducted recovery and clean-up operations at the site shortly after the nonevent.  What they found was a crater 12 feet deep and 25 feet in diameter, blown, fortunately, in uninhabited land owned by the University of New Mexico.

Only the bomb’s conventional explosives – those necessary but not sufficient to start the nuclear chain reaction – were triggered by the fall, and, according to the experts, no radioactivity was detected beyond the lip of the crater.  Traces of the luckless cow, reportedly, were scattered over a much wider area.

Reports were filed, and the case was closed for nearly three decades.  The trail was allowed to grow cold.

Extending 25 feet from nose to tail, standing more than five feet in diameter at its core and with a total weight of 41,400 pounds, this was evidently nature’s ultimate experiment in size. At what scale does any creature exceed its own ecological niche?

If there is a lesson to be learned here and in the discovery of other events that “didn’t happen” simply because we did not know of them until now, it is not whom to blame, but rather the many ways in which blind fear, magnified by secrecy, can turn all of us into our own worst enemies.

Adler is a professor of history at the Hutchins School of Liberal Studies at Sonoma State University in California.


Please watch the following YouTube video  – – towards the end of this video, it will show you how to get to the “ground zero” of this incident:

A video update on March 19, 2024, reporting from “Ground Zero” area in Mesa del Sol:



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Watch also Norio Hayakawa’s YouTube Channel






A case worthy of review…..’Flying Saucer’ sighting at Westall High School in Melbourne, Australia on April 6, 1966

‘Flying Saucer’ sighting at Westall High School in Melbourne, Australia on April 6, 1966

Westall 1966     (courtesy, )

The Westall UFO encounter is an event that occurred on 6 April 1966 in Melbourne, Victoria, Australia.  Around 11:00 am, for about 20 minutes, more than 200 students and teachers at two Victorian state schools witnessed some unexplained flying object(s) which they said descended into a nearby open field.  The paddock was adjacent to a grove of pine trees in an area known as The Grange (now a nature reserve).  According to reports, the object(s) then ascended quickly in a north-westerly direction over the suburb of Clayton South, Victoria, Australia.

Description of the Event

At approximately 11:00 am on Wednesday, 6 April 1966, a class of students and a teacher from Westall High School (now Westall Secondary College) were outside on the main oval when an object, described as being a grey saucer shaped craft with a slight purple hue and being about twice the size of a family car, but very round, was seen.  Andrew Greenwood, a science teacher at the high school, told The Dandenong Journal at the time that he saw a silvery-green disc.  There were reports from some witnesses that the largest craft flew over and along some large Electricity Pylons near the school before landing.  It was further reported that there were two other smaller craft of similar design that had hovered over ( but not landed on and only hovered above ) the dirt roadway at the front of the school.   Further reports suggest that the larger main craft that landed in the paddock may have had some sort of  problems and that the two smaller craft were there to assist it.

According to witnesses the objects were descending and then crossed and overflew the high school’s south-west corner, going in a south-easterly direction, before disappearing from sight as it descended behind a stand of trees and into a paddock at The Grange in front of the Westall State School (primary students).  The main and biggest object had landed on the ground.  After a short period (approximately 20 minutes) the object – with witnesses now numbering over 210 – then rose and climbed at speed and departed towards the north-west.

None of the witnesses said that they saw any aliens or any people in or around any of the craft.  It was suggested that if there were in fact any (people) they would not have been able to stand up as the height of the craft was no higher than an average family car, the craft being round and large at the base but lacking in height.  Like the saucer of an upside down tea cup.

Local Media Coverage

The Dandenong Journal covered the encounter in detail and ran two front page stories:


The first was on 14 April. and the next was on 21 April.

A number of small aeroplanes circled around it.  However, a check later showed that no commercial, private or RAAF ( royal australian air force ) pilots had reported anything unusual in the area.

GTV Channel 9 television also ran a news report about the encounter.  A student, Joy Tighe, described the event for the reporter.  However, a copy of this tape is not available.  Channel 9 reports that it was removed from their archive and not returned.

One of the students, a girl, ran towards the craft that had landed and reached it before the other students had arrived.

She was found in a collapsed and dazed state.  An ambulance was called and she was taken away to hospital.

This girl was one of the leading athletes in the school and could outrun almost all the others, being very fit.

Apart from that no one else was hurt in the incident.

Some of the students had rung up the local newspapers and TV stations and they had sent reporters to the school.  These media groups had rung the police and in turn the police had rung the local RAAF military base.

Soon all were involved in the incident.

After the Incident.

A full school assembly was held that afternoon at Westall High School.

The headmaster, with about three men in dark suits beside him, who no one from the school had seen before, made an announcement that “nothing had happened”.  The students and staff were told to “keep your mouths shut”.  The Headmaster further told the staff and students that “there are no such things as flying saucers” ( actual quote ).

Andrew Greenwood, the science teacher whose picture appeared in the local newspaper with the story was visited a few days later at home by two people who announced themselves as from the RAAF. (The Royal Australian Air Force).

They told him if he made any more public statements they would “leak out” that he had a “drinking problem” and that would mean the end of his career as a teacher.

The student who was taken to hospital never returned to Westall High school.

Her family moved out of the family home that night, never to return.

When one of her very good friends called around to her house, which was very close to the school, a middle aged woman answered the door, someone she had not seen before, and told her “she does not live here” and that she “must have the wrong house”.

Just after the incident two truckloads of military people arrived at the field where the craft landed, sealed off the area, and walked over it with what looked like metal detectors.

Anyone who got too close were told to “leave immediately or else”.

They took measurements of the circle and indentations made by the craft in the ground and when they finished they burnt the grass so no circle remained shown.

After that they left.

Shane Ryan has since 2005 begun investigations into this incident and uncovered much truth,

Shane Ryan, an English lecturer at the University of Canberra, is interviewing dozens of witnesses for a book he hopes to publish on the 40th anniversary of the sighting.

Mr Ryan, 38, was alerted to the events in the 1980s by a housemate who was there. Unlike most UFO sightings, the Westall objects had a large number of credible witnesses.  It was viewed in broad daylight by over 200 people and attracted a forceful response from police and the government who used all sorts of threats to cover this up.  People were told everything from “you did not see anything” to “we will cripple you if you say anything” and now in 2011 the officials are saying “nothing at all happened people – what are you on about”.  AND most of the records of the event are now “lost” or were “never there”.

Mr Ryan has interviewed about 30 witnesses, mostly former staff and students from the Westall secondary and primary schools.  He has tried obtaining police and RAAF reports, but so far with little luck.  The story was covered then by Channel Nine, The Age and local newspapers.

On the UFO, everyone seems to agree, Mr Ryan says.  It was a low-flying, silver/grey shining object, either of classical flying saucer shape or close to it, “a cup turned upside down on a saucer”.  The students were familiar with light aircraft because the schools were close to Moorabbin Airport.  Although the UFO was of similar size, “everyone said straight away that they knew it was not a plane”, Mr Ryan said, nor a weather balloon.

The object was in view for up to 20 minutes, and many saw it descend.

The Dandenong Journal, for which the story was front-page news two weeks in a row, reported that “students and staff have been instructed to ‘talk to no-one’ about the incident”.  Nevertheless, one teacher, Andrew Greenwood, gave the paper a detailed account.

“It was silvery-grey and seemed to thicken at times,” he said.  “The thickening was similar to when a disc is turned a little to show the underside.”

One of the closest witnesses was a boy whose family leased land at Grange Reserve for horses.

Shaun Matthews (not a student at Westall) was on holidays and spending time on the land.

“I saw the thing come across the horizon and drop down behind the pine trees,” he told The Sunday Age this week.  “I couldn’t tell you what it was.  It certainly wasn’t a light aircraft or anything of the like …

“I saw the thing drop down behind the pine trees and saw it leave again.  I couldn’t tell you how long it was there for, it was such a long time ago.”

Mr Matthews, 51 and now living in Greenvale, said the object “went up and off very very rapidly”.  (This article was written more than 10 years ago  – around 2004)

“I went over and there was a circle in the clearing.  It looked like it had been cooked or boiled, not burnt as I remember,” he said.  “A heap of kids from Westall primary and high school came charging through to see what had happened — ‘look at this, look at that, we saw it as well’, that sort of thing.  It was a bit of a talking point for a couple of days.”

Mr Matthews said the object, about the size of “two family cars”, passed him at a distance of about “four football fields”. “It was silvery, but it had a sort-of purple hue to it, very bright, but not bright enough that you couldn’t look at it,” he said.

“I saw that it dropped down behind the trees, and I thought, ‘hello, hang on’. A minute or so later, it went straight up, just gone.”

He said police and other officials interviewed his mother.

“It didn’t just sort of cruise and then slightly descend at an angle.  It just stopped, dropped, and then went straight up.”

The Victorian UFO Research Society investigated the incident.  VUFORS secretary Tony Cook said Westall remained one of Australia’s major unexplained UFO cases.

The top one was the case of Frederick Valentich, a 20-year-old Melbourne pilot whose light plane disappeared while flying over Bass Strait in 1978.

In the last minutes of radio communication, Valentich reported seeing a UFO hovering above his plane.  He and his craft were never recovered.

As well, “if there was a whole lot of officials investigating it, there must be an official report in RAAF archives somewhere”.

But Mr Ryan said that no one at the RAAF knew of the incident.

But given the history of the case — the way students and staff were told to keep quiet from the start — that was not surprising, he said.

“As I got a little bit older, I got a little more interested in the social and historical aspects of the story, how something like this could have happened and how it reflected society at the time, and how authorities responded to it,” he said.

” There’s been a layer of secrecy that was very, very prominent in this story from the very beginning.”

Today (April 6, 2016)    SEE THE TV INTERVIEW:
50th anniversary of Melbourne, Australia’s UFO Mystery




“An almost 50-year-old mystery when more than 200 people believed they had a close encounter with a UFO landing in Clayton may have finally been solved after newly-unearthed government documents revealed a secret radiation-testing program.

Although federal and state government agencies refused to comment about the 1966 ‘Westall’ incident at the time, it is now believed that, rather than a UFO, what landed was an errant high altitude balloon used to monitor radiation levels after the controversial Maralinga nuclear tests.

The HIBAL program was a joint US-Australian initiative to monitor atmospheric radiation levels using large silver balloons equipped with sensors between 1960 and 1969.

Documents held by the National Archives and former Department of Supply indicate one test balloon launched from Mildura may have been blown off course and came down in Clayton South in a paddock near Westall High School, alarming and baffling hundreds of eyewitnesses, including teachers and students.

After hovering over the area, it landed at an area known as The Grange, behind a grove of pine trees, before taking off again and being pursued by several light aircraft in a sighting which lasted 20 minutes from 11am on April 6, 1966.”


ABOVE, from:

Westall ‘UFO’ incident was actually government radiation testing, reports revealed……or, was it?  – – August 6, 2014



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