A letter of rebuttal from Cynthia Drayer, ex-wife of the late Phil Schneider

by Cynthia Drayer – December 29, 2018,  in response to Norio Hayakawa’s article on November 3, 2017:  PHIL SCHNEIDER’S DULCE BASE “DELUSIONS”


“So I felt that I needed to clarify some information about Philip Schneider and myself  ( I am his ex-wife, Cynthia).

I knew Philip formally beginning in 1986 through the Oregon Agate and Mineral Society.  He was receiving SSI, which is for disabilities.  Philip initially tried to get regular social security benefits, but he could not prove his work record.

Apparently he worked under the wrong social security number for most of his work life, and it was only discovered when he applied for SSA.  I found paperwork in his apartment after his death that proves that most of his work record was under the wrong number.  But because the number was being used by a living person, there was little I could do after his death.  The work that was on this “other number” was Morrison Knudson, Coast Guard, and military work.  So you will not find most of the work he did under the current social security number in which the SSI was given.

Because we had a daughter together I did try to prove his work records after his death so that she might receive death benefits from her father.  This did not happen.  I seem to be pegged as a money hungry lair, which I am not.  I was simply a single parent with  two children to raise, one of which was Philip’s daughter.  As the executor of his estate, it was my duty to pursue possible benefits for his daughter, who was the only heir to his estate.  I did find a very old life insurance policy which stated that Philip had two brothers.  He always stated that this was true, and yet he had only one brother “alive” when I met him.  As far as Philip’s education, you can find his picture in a Duke University yearbook.

You mention information about Ron Rummell, who was the best friend of Philip’s.  If you look at the police report, as I have, you will see that the gun that was used in his death did not have blow back blood.  This would mean that after he was shot, someone cleaned the gun.  I’m pretty sure that if you shoot yourself in the mouth, as Ron is suppose to have done, then you would have blood on the gun…..He had a child, he was excited about his “ALIEN DIGEST”, he was receiving world wide acclaim for the information that was in the digest, he was about to write a book.  His “father in law” was the publisher of his digest  (he was not married to his daughter, but they had the child together).  Based on having met Ron first hand, I do not believe that he shot himself.  He was “murdered by suicide” as was Philip  (This was during the Clinton Administration and there were plenty of government officials that died of unusual circumstances).

When Philip’s father, Capt. Oscar Schneider M.D., died, Philip came into possession of materials, i.e., letters and photos from the Navy.  This was my father-in-law and I met him before he died.  The original letters where still in envelopes with old stamps and the address matched the letters.  In them it proved that Oscar was involved in examining deceased crew members from the Philadelphia Experiment.

They were being held “against their will” in a psych ward run by the military in Virginia.  Some of them managed to escape, as is mentioned in the letters.  Also, there were Glossy original photos from the Navy (they were stamped on the back with numbers and typing).  These photos were from “Operation Crossroads” which is when the Navy dropped the Abel and Baker atomic bombs.  There were ships at different distances, with sheep and goats, to see what kind of radiation exposure they would have.  The men went on these ships after the explosions and were exposed to all of the dust.

Oscar later had a brain tumor removed, probably because of this exposure.  Oscar had a Cosmic Clearance, which was “FOR YOUR EYES ONLY” top secret.  It was a NATO label.  Philip told me that his Rhyolite clearance was also a NATO clearance.  Philip got his work because of Oscar’s long time work in the Navy.

His brother George Schneider, was also in the Navy, and his sister, Polly, worked for the CIA.  Even his mother worked for RKO, which I have heard had some secretive activity.  In the photos from the Bikini Atoll there are UFO’s lifting out of the lagoon after the first bomb went off in Operation Crossroads.  You could see the water dripping off the ships, escaping the explosions.  The head of Operation Crossroads was General Joseph Stillwell.  Our daughter just happened to be attending a school in Portland, Oregon with a young boy named Joseph Stillwell.  I called the grandfather who was caring for this young boy to ask him if his grandson was related.  It turned out that this grandfather was the nephew of General Stillwell and had actually taken many of the photos from the plane as the bomb was going off.  He verified that there were UFO’s going out of the water and he took the photos to prove it.  His uncle was also on the plane.

When Philip started talking out about UFO’s around the United states, on TV and Radio, people would come up to him with secret stuff, sometimes with photos.  One man brought to Philip a photo of the Gunderson Freight Cars that are manufactured in Portland.  In this particular freight car there were 115 pairs of “shackles”, which could only mean that they were meant for people and not for cars.  After the Morrow Building bombing in Oklahoma City, Philip gave a copy of this photo to the militia in Oklahoma.

When there was a Senate hearing to talk with the militia  (who were being accused of possible involvement)  they asked the senator what this picture was of.  They immediately closed the hearing.  Philip believed that the government was opening up FEMA camps for 15 million people after “martial law” was announced.  The freight cars were for people that did not want to go voluntarily.  It also is, according to the Roper Report, about the same number of people that have been implanted with alien devices or have been abducted by Aliens.   So YES, Philip did sometimes use other peoples information, because like any good speaker he did “research”, and he was given materials to talk about because others did not want to be involved or were afraid of consequences.

Philip was very upset about the missing children in the United States.  He stated that 1 million children disappeared every year and many were never found.  He suspected that because their disappearances were clumped around military bases and deep underground mountain bases that it involved sinister activity with either aliens or Satanic rites.  With the current news today about child trafficking, he may have been right on the button.

There was the author of “Pandora’s Box” who went with Philip to the Denver Airport.  It was with the help of Philip that many symbols were interpreted.  His father was a 32nd degree Mason.  He had many books about the Mason and Sacred Geometry.  He believed that the Denver Airport was a deep underground mountain base.  Those books, by the way disappeared after his death.

I knew the physical and mental condition of Philip.  He was paranoid, and I think with good reason.  He had cancer that was slowly eating away at his bones.  He had a home care housekeeper through the State of Oregon.  He had Multiple Sclerosis and would have flare ups.  Sometimes he looked just fine, maybe with a body brace, but other times he was in a wheelchair.  I saw the wound in his shoulder which was a gun shot wound.  He showed it to me soon after he received it, and later in his autopsy photos you can see the wound in his left shoulder.  He had over 500 shrapnel wounds on his torso with scars from burns.  He had a penis that had been sliced all the way from the base to the tip.  He had a major wound from a tracheotomy and he had a cut that ran from his throat to his belly button and which continued below his ribs on both sides..  During the summer time it would break open and ooze.

He had to care for his wounds to prevent infection.  This was a constant problem.  He even showed his scars down his chest in one of his videos.  So yes, he had major injuries.  He also had three fingers missing from his hand.   When I gave birth to our daughter in 1987, he had an operation to repair his throat and chest in the same hospital just one day later.  We were released from the hospital the same day.

In one of Philip’s lectures he talks about how cocaine was brought back into this country in the coffins of men who had been killed during the Vietnam War.  He talked about how the drugs were then distributed to targeted populations by the government to support the “black budget”.   About 3 months after his death a reporter in Los Angeles proved that this was true.  The war on drugs wasn’t against the drugs, it was against the cartels that brought the drugs into America and were in “competition” with the government drugs.

I have written many articles about how Philip died and why I believe it was a murder and not a suicide.  Like Ron, Philip was about to write a book about his knowledge with the help of a friend who lived in Seattle, Washington.  In fact he had just gotten back from his visit when he died in his apartment in Wilsonville, Oregon.  He died 1/10/96 but his body was not found until 1/17/96.

His body was green and swollen.  The first responders, which were his friend and the landlord believed he had died of a stoke.  The sheriff released the body without the Clackamas County Coroner looking at his body (which was against the law).  It wasn’t until I questioned the funeral director that he took a look at the body.

It was then discovered that he had a surgical tube wrapped around his throat three times and tied in the front.  In order for this to happen as a suicide, he would have to wrap the hose around with missing fingers and extensive pain in his shoulders, and then knot it.  He then sat on the edge of his bed, and suffocated, falling into his wheel chair. He did not hang himself with the hose, he just sat there.  This is not a normal type of death.  In one of his lectures he stated that if you hear he has committed suicide you will know that he was murdered.

I asked the medical examiner to hold blood samples and urine samples for later testing.  They refused to test them for a person who died of a “suicide”.  I was told that they would be held for one year.  Ten months later, when I had located a facility that was willing to get involved in the test, the samples had disappeared.  Why did I think that his hands had initially been tied?  Because his hands at the wrist were at an odd angle where he laid.  If you would raise his arms to his back (he was laying on his front) the wrists would be at the correct angle to being tied.

It is important to note that many items were missing from his apartment.  All of the notes and photographs from his lecture, all of his high math and masonic books, all of the alien specimens, all of his notes for his book  (even I had written a chapter),  a box of mineral specimens, and his wallet was missing.  The police were at first interested in the wallet, but then it “showed up” the next day.  Many valuable items were all there, jewelry in a nightstand, gold coins in the closet, money in his wallet.

They had already released a body illegally, and the crime scene had already been disturbed.  It was just easier to call it a suicide.  His brother was supportive to the idea that Philip had been murdered, and he was a Multnomah County Sheriff.  Also, Philip had many medications he could have taken to have a “peaceful suicide”, he even had a gun.  But instead he chose to die of suffocation, in a sitting position….I don’t think so.

So was Dulce true?  I have to admit that I have no definitive proof that this particular event occurred.  I know that Morrison Knudsen was a contractor for underground mountain bases, and I can prove that Philip did work for them.  So many other things he talked about were true and accurate.  So why not that?  He would talk about the machines that would bore holes and create a surface automatically, of the fast moving monorail underground.  When asked if he ever rode one, he said no.  Now if he was lying, why would he say he never rode one.  A liar would probably enjoy giving details of a ride from one coast to another in a fast moving mode of transportation.

When I first met Philip I noticed that there was an unusual truck with a wood canopy.  It had a Canada license plate.  Everywhere we went, I would see this truck.  Someone wanted us to know that we were being followed.  My phone would click when I talked on it, and I eventually went to the FBI.  The click’s stopped.

After I had the memorial service for Philip I took the people who had attended to my home.  I wanted them to have the remaining notes and paperwork so that I would not be “bothered”.   When I arrived I could tell that items had been moved.  My house had been entered.  I gave the people the paperwork, and as they were leaving, a black helicopter with no markings was hovering over my house.  A person with binoculars was looking out the door, at the people and their cars.  The lady that had moved into the house across the street when Philip first moved in to my home, was now moving out after his memorial service.  (A watcher perhaps?)  OK, I might be paranoid too.  But if you had been close to two people who died under unusual circumstances, you might be looking over your back too.”




1) From Charles Gilbert Wright of New Jersey:

“Yes, this information  (Norio Hayakawa’s information)  agrees with what I found out from Phil’s brother and sister, and friends of Ron Rummel, and other friends of Phil’s.  Thank you for sharing. It is so easy for information to circulate round and round on the internet.

It was back in the late 1990’s when I called Phil’s brother George on the phone who was working then at the Portland River Patrol and he had his sister, Polly send me a letter also.  The Schneider family came from Russia in the late 1800’s and were Jewish, and the family was deeply hurt when Phil lied and said his father was a German U-Boat commander during WWII, when in reality his father was a medical officer in the US Navy.  His uncle is an attorney in Portland. 

I think I did this research in 1996, 22 years ago, so a whole new generation is now reading all this stuff that has taken on a life of it’s own.  Separating the BS from the truth is difficult, but well worth it.  Norio, we moved back to NJ in 2012.  Good to hear from you again.”

2) From G. Clinton, his one-time roommate:

What I know about Phil Schneider:


“This morning in the state of boredom I decided to look up and see if I can find anything about people I used to know on Google.

Imagine my surprise to find that there was a cult of Phil Schneider who I knew very well in 1977 though 1980.

I moved to Portland, Oregon in 1977 unemployed and very short on funds.  I moved into a very cheap rooming house

Shortly after I moved in Phil Schneider moved in.  It didn’t take me very long at all to realize that he was a liar.  And I thought he was mentally ill.

His missing fingers:

He told me that he had lost them when he was working in eastern Oregon as a lineman when he had some sort of mishap on a pole  (frankly I no longer recall the details; it has been nearly 40 years).

His chest wound:

I took him to the hospital.

One day as I was talking to other roomers in the common room, Phil came down the stairs with blood on his shirt saying he’d been shot.  A story he quickly changed to somehow being inflicted by a passing car having losing a snow stud which struck him in the chest causing the wounds.  No one present believed him, of course, but it was certainly not the time for discussions of his credibility.  I took him to the hospital.

After a short time one of the ER doctors came up to me and asked if I had any influence with Phil.  I said, ”not really.”  The doctor said that they would like to keep him for a psych evaluation but had no grounds to do so.  I was asked to try to convince Phil to voluntarily submit.

At this point and having my own suspicions I said to the doctor, ” you suspect it’s self-inflicted?”  The doctor said, yes.

I did talk to Phil a little bit, of course he refused.

I wish I could remember which hospital in Portland it was.  Unfortunately I just don’t.  But there should be records.

This happened in possibly late 77 more likely 78 perhaps even early 79.

There is more I could talk about.  But none of it would be particularly germaine.

By the time I parted company with Phil, entirely, probably sometime in 1980, I was of the very solid opinion that Phil was disturbed and probably a danger to himself but not others   (I should note here that I’m completely unqualified in any clinical sense to say these things.)

Now I know that no one has any particular reason to give my testimony any credibility.

But, there it is.  I hope that this may help slightly for some people to be suspicious of anything he said.  I certainly was and am.

Phil Schneider was not a horrible person.  He was certainly at some level delusional.  He was for a short time a very flawed friend of mine.”

On YouTube:


Here is an interesting information provided by Chris White.   “There are newly released (via FOIA FBI) docs that show how Phil lost his fingers.  He cut them off himself while in a mental health facility“:






E-mail = noriohayakawa@gmail.com

Facebook = http://www.facebook.com/fernandon.hayakawa

Please also watch Norio Hayakawa’s YouTube videos


Why I believe in the reality of the UFO phenomenon – – but this may surprise you



I have answered the following questions more than a hundred times so far – – my answers are always the same:


My answer:

“The UFO phenomenon seems to be real.”


My answer:

“It seems to me that alien abductions are absolutely real to the experiencers”.


My answer:

“Are we talking about sentient, physical, extraterrestrial biological entities?

If that is the case, the UFO phenomenon does not seem to constitute conclusive evidence of ET visitations by physical, sentient, extraterrestrial biological entities in physical extraterrestrial spacecraft of any kind, so far.”


My answer:

We just do not know yet.  – – and, this is the best answer we can give for now.

Of course everybody, including myself, thinks it sounds ridiculous to believe that we are the only instance of physical, sentient, intelligent biological life anywhere.  I couldn’t agree more.

But for right now the answer is “We just do not know yet“.

But is “life” limited to just physical, sentient, intelligent biological existence in this cosmos?

Maybe there could be countless number of sentient, paraphysical entities of extradimensional origin in this huge cosmos – – that could include both the benevolent and the malevolent kinds.


“The UFO phenomenon appears to me as a temporary, paraphysical intrusion into our physical dimension by an unknown intelligence or unknown sentient entitities, paraphysically materializing themselves to a pre-selected observer  (or a group of observers)  and presenting to the observer as a physical extraterrestrial phenomenon and visitation.

The pre-selection also seems to include a particular location as well as a particular time.

The phenomenon seems to be able to materialize and de-materialize at will.  However, the phenomenon does not seem to be able to survive in our physical dimension except for a few seconds or a few minutes at a time.

Some researchers claim that the phenomenon seems to be able to temporarily affect our physical parameters  (such as radar, etc.).

Yet the phenomenon also seems to be incapable of being photographed with clarity, if at all.

And on many occasions, it seems to me that these “UFOs” only deceptively appear  (to the observer)  to be utilizing some type of a propulsion system as they seem to take off into the distant sky at an unimaginable rate of speed.

Finally, by  ‘phenomenon’  here,  I would like to include both the  ‘craft’  as well as the  ‘entities’  and their seemingly paraphysical capabilities.”


By the way, it seems that THE PHENOMENON ITSELF IS NOT NEW.

It seems that it has existed since time immemorial.

There are historical records of people seeing strange objects in the skies, throughout history, such as “flying shields”:

The depiction of the objects seen seems to correspond to the cultural as well as technological understanding of the people of each era.   In modern times, the objects seen seem to be more aerodynamic in form.

In the late 1700s and early 1800s, people reported seen strange objects that appeared to be huge, rather crude-looking airships:

Later on, actual airships and other dirigibles were built by the U.S.

In the early 1980s when the U.S. was testing prototypes of stealth aircraft, there were many reports of humongous flying triangular craft over the East coast, which had nothing to do with prototypes being tested by the U.S. Air Force:

Reported humongous triangular craft   (sometimes reported to be 3 or 4 times the size of a football field)   hovered absolutely silently in the night skies:

No, they did not belong to the U.S. Air Force.



By the way, Area 51 in Nevada and Dulce, New Mexico are two of my favorite topics.

I can confidently state that there seems to be no evidence of any UFO or “alien” connections to Area 51 in Nevada  (which I have continuosly researched since around 1988).

To me, Area 51 is a very important US Air Force’s research, development and testing complex for advanced military weapons systems integrated with avionics and aeronautics and continues to expand every year.

It involves our hard-earned tax dollars and rightfully deserves its role in protecting our nation from global threats, domestic or foreign.

As far as Dulce is concerned  (which I have also continuously researched since around 1988)  there is no evidence at all that there is a physical US/Alien collaborative biological underground facility or base in Dulce, New Mexico.



E-mail = noriohayakawa@gmail.com

Facebook = http://www.facebook.com/fernandon.hayakawa

Also watch Norio Hayakawa’s YouTube Channel

“BOB LAZAR, AREA 51 AND FLYING SAUCERS” – – a meaningless documentary

A meaningless documentary based on Lazar’s same old, same old dubious and unsubstantiated claims with nothing new to show, and peddled by debonair raconteur George Knapp who made a secondary career promoting Lazar’s nonsense.  Click the following link to see an excellent review of this movie:


Bob Lazar did tell a nice story.   In fact, a great story.   But the fact is that it simply remains just a story.  It appears to be a cleverly made story at that.  Needless to say, it is extremely difficult to prove its authenticity.

It is more important to ask why he had to tell his dubious and largely unsubstantiated story which seems to be persistently peddled by debonair raconteur, George Knapp, who practically made a secondary career promoting Bob Lazar’s story.

There is not one shred of tangible, solid, physical as well as irrefutable documentary evidence whatsoever that conclusively proves that Area 51 had anything to do with Aliens or UFOs.



E-mail = noriohayakawa@gmail.com

Facebook = http://www.facebook.com/fernandon.hayakawa

Also please watch Norio Hayakawa’s YouTube Channel

Bob Lazar’s claims regarding Alien technology at Area 51

I remain highly skeptical about any Alien technology associated with Area 51  (or to be more specific, at the alleged S-4 by Papoose Lake as had been claimed by Bob Lazar).  It seems that gullible folks believe in fiction rather than in reality.

To me, it is doubtful that there has been any UFO/ET activity at Area 51, despite Bob Lazar‘s proverbial claims  (same old unsubstantiated story, with nothing new that has come up to confirm his claims).

Yes, Bob Lazar did tell a nice story.   In fact, a great story.   But the fact is that it simply remains just a story.  It appears to be a cleverly made story at that.  Needless to say, it is extremely difficult to prove its authenticity.

It is more important to ask why he had to tell his dubious and largely unsubstantiated story which seems to be persistently peddled by debonair raconteur, George Knapp, who practically made a secondary career promoting Bob Lazar’s story.

Lazar could not have gotten a Compartmentalized Security clearance having operated a brothel.

(CLICK TO ENLARGE ABOVE – – the original “paycheck” of Bob Lazar)


from Tom Mahood:

“Carol Lazar’s death certificate (# 001423-86) is on file with the Clark County Health District, 625 Shadow Lane, Las Vegas, (702) 383-1223.  The district will not release copies of certificates except to family members or in a few other special instances.  However, the certificates are available for inspection by those with “legitimate interests”.  This would include journalists and researchers. According to data on the certificate, the death was ruled a suicide and the cause was carbon monoxide poisoning.  The method was given as “Inhalation of motor vehicle exhaust”.  It occurred at 1933 Ann Greta.  The case was referred to the Coroner, but no autopsy was performed.

Quoting the obituary in the Las Vegas Review-Journal, April 23, 1986, Page 2B:  “Carol Lazar died Monday.  She was a two-year resident of Las Vegas and was a self-employed film processor in the photography industry.  She is survived by her husband Robert of Las Vegas.  Private services and burial were handled by Davis Funeral Home”.

There is not one shred of tangible, solid, physical as well as irrefutable documentary evidence whatsoever that conclusively proves that Area 51 had anything to do with Aliens or UFOs.

That is the bottom line.

While open to the possibility of intelligent life elsewhere in this vast universe, the overwhelming majority of the world’s astronomers and scientists are skeptical about us ever been visited by any physical, extraterrestrial spacecraft of any kind, maneuvered or manipulated by any physical extraterrestrial biological entities of any kind.

In the meantime, as far as Area 51 is concerned, it continues to be a vital research, development and test conglomerate facility managed by a detachment from Southern California’s Edwards Air Force Base (Air Force Test Center) and supported by our hard-earned tax dollars, for our national defense interest.

It has nothing to do with “UFOs” or “Aliens”.

It’s pure American leading-edge military technologies at work.

It’s there to develop advanced weapons systems that will ultimately protect our nation from any hostile nation and other enemies, foreign as well as domestic.


One of the lamest excuses held by fanatic believers of Bob Lazar is that he hadn’t changed his story over the years.  It’s not extremely difficult for any highly intelligent person  (and Lazar indeed was highly intelligent in that sense)  to keep telling the same story from the beginning, making sure not to change anything even after many years.

By the way, click the following to read a good analysis made on Bob Lazar:


Please also click an read the following critique from a scientist:

LAZAR CRITIQUE, by Dr. David L. Morgan

Please click and read the following item:


Also please click and read the following item:




E-mail = noriohayakawa@gmail.com

Facebook = http://www.facebook.com/fernandon.hayakawa

Please also watch Norio Hayakawa’s YouTube Channel